Sea and Xarcabard, our new homes. The welcoming of a troll.

Jul 02, 2007 12:15

Since I finished exams (so far 3 marks I know, I've passed! /yay) I have everyday been going to bed at 5AM doing LS stuff lol.. doing like 15hrs of daily playing :x (no AFK-time included).

This post won't be long enough to make a cut, so I apology beforehand for cutting someone's friend page ; ;

Sea stuff:

We needed some Temperance to finish our 3 sets for Hope, so Dasna felt like popping it alone and loosing alot of EXP ; ; but anyway, we rushed there and we got it :D

Congratulations to Gonne on Temperance Axe (lolBST)

Later that day, we went to do our planned event, Proto-Omega. Omg what an easy fight compared to the first one, my MP didn't go lower than 600, almost minimal deaths (all from DDs... long ass names to type ; ;) and we also got some nice drops! We kept it around 10% for almost 2/3 of the time in the BC, and we farmed the Gunpods.

Congratulations are in order for...
  • Mckeag on Homam Gambieras
  • Echizen on Homam Gambieras
  • Sehama on Diabolic Yarn (one step closer seshy!)
  • Shaemus on Cardinal Cloth



That very same saturday we had Dynamis-Xarca scheduled, and I was truly hoping to see some real AFv2 drop (for a change!). We started ok, doing better than in our 1st and 2nd runs, and cleared all DemonNMs... only one dropped ::Drumroll:: Marquis Orias! Then we had Koga Tekko drop off normal mob farming.
I'm pretty excited, we got all time bonuses up to Dynamis Lord and even though I know we're still not ready for it (we do Xarca runs with 20'ish, we'd need 30+) I can't wait to see how good it'd be to achieve that title.

Awesomegratulations to Alvon & Hollyjade on Sorcerer's Petasos & Koga Tekko respectively. I'm jealous Alvon, be careful! ;3


More Sea:

Yesterday we had some Jailer of Hope scheduled. I was somewhat nervous, since I had never fought it and the Plasma Charge move and its insta-cast -ga3 and AMII didn't seem funny at all. Odd enough, I find it one of the easies jailers so far, Rampart for it is extremely broken and it was more of a quick fight than anything (easier than Justice may I say). We did 3 Hope's, completing 3 Jailer of Love sets, and just need an Ix'MNK for another Hope, and that'll net us a 4th JoL set.

Congratulations to Aracos, Nakedsnake & Gomerking on Hope Staff!


RDM leveling & Troll issues:

So we've started this SET with Darkmorr and it's working wonders, I've been a bit tired so we hadn't had chance to level as hardcore as I'd like to, and events cut our time a bit. Thanful though, I could form a couple of nice PTs and I got ourselves to 2k to 62 :x only 13 levels to go ; ;
I still lack a Spider/Enfeebling torque, but I hope we do KS99 soon^^
Also, Himzy (
mrprickles   ) has joined us on his SMN (I like mainhealing, but I also would like him to finish SMN to 75, since I know he despises exp'ing on it)

Oh and lately some anon troll, aside from a known troll from a reknowned dirty LS in ramuh has been stalking me, so lolworthy I couldn't pass it. I mean, seriously, Synergy doesn't bot (reason why we don't do so many Kings, why spend time there when a botted LS will get?), we are pretty damn active, doing Gods, Sea, Limbus, Dynamis, Einherjar (I never been though ; ;), there's not a single day we don't have something to do. I mean the ONLY thing we don't do is BOTKINGS lmao. Dead? far from it. Not to mention the mention to me as a "crappy player" lol.

The troll


Last but not least, I'd like to add a remix of Rihanna's Umbrella, that I really like (I'm not big into Rihanna or anything, just this song catched my eye^^) Thanks for reading! :D

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sea, limbus, ffxi, dynamis, rdm

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