Early bird

Jun 01, 2009 12:51

First off, I must apologise for my absence as of lately. University has been taking most of my time, and when that wasn't enough, work was there. Gladly enough I enjoy both of them (well, I enjoy my studies. I don't enjoy as much studying for them, but that's another story). The bad thing is that all of it, adding some connection problems of my own made FFXI almost a rare activity in me!

Thankfully it seems all fine now, and I've been able to be online indefinitely (or in a non-intermitent way!) and thus, the concretion of some projects that had been a mere idea or fog in my mind. ZNM is one of them.

SpikeFlail has been going all at it on ZNMs once again, and thanks to Jayhawk and his Verdelet spam I have something to show off for it! Thanks very much Jay for the Muse Tariqah, making my Cure V set almost realistically done! Also, finally managed to get Ea's crackows from Zhayolm boss, which means.... MARDUK'S CRACKOWS GET!

Nep and I have been working towards Sarameya path instead, both for hide/Hachiryu haidate money but also in hopes to improve his hMP set with an Oracle's robe.

Regarding Salvage it's been going fairly smooth as of lately. After all, I'm happy enough to have the "rarest" piece of the set! Who also got quite lucky with Salvage is Nep! Albeit the odd part is he never got drops in our group but in Grae's Salvage group instead!

Congrats Nep on the so-fitting Marduk's Shalwar!! I know, I know, they look so much better in me, huh. E; Also, grats to him on Macha's cuffs!

We're on our Ultima turn again, for Limbus, the first one of the two were fairly successful in drops! The run itself was pretty sloppy, but nothing to worry about, we got rewarded!

Grats to Jayhawk, Mima, and Nep on their Nashira turban, seraweels and manteel respectively!

Speaking of luck and Limbus, it's been raining Temenos items all over me. After upgrading Wzd. Gloves +1, the very same Sunday I picked them up, dropped a Diabolic Silk, so as soon as I get the BLM piece from Apollyon, I'm good to be done upgrading the useful pieces of AF+1 (hat -this was useful pre-ToAU, for hMP-, body and hands). Also, got a Benedict silk out of that very same Temenos run, making me able to upgrade Hlr. cap +1, the best head-piece for Cure V. Last but not least, this Sunday I got a Brillantine, the Temenos part of the upgrade for Scholar, since all of main SCHs there already had it. I'm debating which piece should I aim for, I'm thinking head for nuking purposes, since anyway I will use Royal Redingote to nuke on SCH (and for anything important -that could require HNM nuking setup- I'll be more needed as WHM, BLM or even RDM). Thoughts are welcome!

These are my stats as of this year. Picked already a new Anniversary and used a charge to get some EXP on Scholar. Regarding this job I'll make a post soon about it, about my thoughts in it and maybe (if I can bother myself that much) post future sets for it.

Finally got done with Windurst missions!! It's nice to finally get them done on my inital nation! The storyline was really good, and quite gripping, more than Bastokan! Nice fight, thanks to Nym to help us on trio the last one! (It's funny how easy all of these Ranks are, to think back when I started needed so many people to do them!)

And last but not least, we got another Tiamat! Full drop too! So grats to whomever, thanks to Darkbrillance for camping again! O:

Hope to be back to update soon, in a not-so-random way! Thanks for reading!

marduk, wyrms, limbus, dynamis, znm

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