This quiz was passed on from indeedydoodah

Mar 05, 2005 10:07

I orginally answered this as a comment in Dana's journal, but now I've added it here so you can all see...

1. Total amount of music files on your computer?
-Close on 10,000 (if you count video clips too)

2. Last C.D you bought?
-"Elements", Mike Oldfield, "Symphony No. 6", Shostakovich (played the London Symphony Orchestra) and "Disco 3", Pet Shop Boys (vinyl)

3. What was the last song you listened to before reading this message?
- "Life Of The Party", Alana Dante

4. Write down five songs you often listen to, or mean a lot to you?
a). "Somebody Else's Business" (extended mix), Pet Shop Boys
b) "Miracles", Pet Shop Boys
c) "Spente Le Stelle", Emma Shaplin
d) "It's A Beautiful Day", Sarah Brightman
e) "In The End", Iio

And I'm going to cheat too, because I don't just listen to "songs" as such, I also listen to Classic music, which I don't really count as a song (i.e no vocals and it's a Symphony rather than song, etc...). So for those I'd say:

a). "Prelude and Fugue No. 11 (In B)", Dmitri Shostakovich
b). "Waltz No. 2", Dmitri Shostakovich
c). "Symphony No. 6 (In B) 'Pathetique' ", Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
d). "La Danse Macabre", Camille Saint-Saens
e). "Piano Concerto No. 4 (In B flat) Opus. 53", Sergei Prokofiev

5. What music are you really excited for the release of in the coming year so far?
- "Battleship Potemkin" soundtrack, Pet Shop Boys and the LSO re-release of Shostakovich's Symphonies 5, 6,7 and 8. The new Sarah Brightman album, and Princessa's new album, rumoured to be released in April.

6. What five people are you going to pass this survey on to and why?
- I'm not. The torch stops with me, I'm not passing it on. *blows the flame out*

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