I’m Your Biggest Fan

Jun 25, 2012 23:58

Title: I’m Your Biggest Fan

Author: Sofiwick
Beta: The awesome Kodamasama !
Pairings: Dean/Castiel.
Rating: PG-13.
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me. I am making no profit from this fanfiction.
Made for: Remivel , for the ‘D/C Summer Lovin’ Exchange.
Prompt: ‘Cas has a secret and very unhealthy obsessed with his favorite actor/country singer Jensen Ackles. So when his friend and co-worker, Sam, introduces him to his Jensen-doppelganger brother Dean, Cas feels like he's struck gold. They hit it off and he gets to know Dean more and realizes he's nothing like Jensen, but that's what makes him like the guy more. Eventually, of course, the secret comes out and Dean finds out about his obsession... (this isn't RPF, but still, if it's not allowed... just feel free to invent a name for the celebrity. :D)’
Summary: AU. Castiel is just a tiny bit obsessed with Michael Grey, country singer extraordinaire. That is, until he meets Michael’s look-alike, Dean.


I really hope you like this, Remivel! I wish it could be longer, but the rule was 2000 words.


Seeing his boss about to walk past him, Castiel quickly minimizes his twitter page and pretends to type words on a document that has been ready for 40 minutes now. He waits for the older man to take the elevator before going back to his - stalking - research.

Michael will have an interview tonight, which means Castiel will have to cancel his yoga class to watch it.

"You like Michael Grey?"

Castiel turns around and looks up, up, up, and finally sees Sam Winchester’s face towering over him.

"I do," he answers shyly. Castiel doesn't like to tell people about his maybe-not-so-healthy preference for Michael, but Sam is nice, and he supposes friends tell each other this sort of thing.

Michael Grey is the most amazing country singer America has known - except for, perhaps, Johnny Cash, but that’s debatable.

And Castiel is his biggest fan - doesn’t matter what all those stupid fangirls on the internet say. And he’s not obsessed, like it has been suggested. He still comes to work. He still showers and does laundry. Would an obsessed person do all these things? Castiel doesn’t think so.

No. An obsessed person would drop everything and become a groupie or even build an altar to their idol and speak to them as if they were there.

Castiel doesn’t have an altar. It’s just a bookshelf with all of Michael’s albums, DVD shows, magazines interviews, and a signed photo he asked someone to get for him when Michael signed autographs at a concert in Canada.

“To my dearest fan! Michael Grey,” it reads. Castiel loves that photo.

Sam raises his eyebrows, and Castiel realizes he spaced out.

"I have his albums,” he continues. “I confess I find him attractive.”

His co-worker takes this comment with a nod. "My brother- Wait, I think I have a picture in here." Sam's huge fingers fumble with his cell phone, and Castiel has to smile when it takes him three tries to remember his own password. "He looks exactly like Grey."

"Many men have green eyes and short hair, Sam," he offers with a polite smile.

"No, no, you don't understand. They look exactly alike. People actually point at my brother in the street.” He sighs. “Can’t find that photo…”

Castiel hums in agreement, like a mother who says, ‘There were dragons? Really, honey, that’s great.’

Sam almost pouts. "No, seriously."

“I believe you, Sam.”

Like some guy in Kansas could be as amazing as Michael.

Like anyone could.


“Cas, can you come here for a sec?”

Castiel can see Sam waving a hand at him over the cubicles’ short walls.

His friend sports a strange smile that makes Castiel wish he had left work earlier that day. Castiel didn’t like when kids had this sort of smirk in school - it usually meant pranks were looming on the horizon.

He approaches his co-worker’s cubicle nervously. “Sam, even though I enjoy cat videos, I really don’t have time right now.”

“Cat videos?” a man sitting on Sam’s chair cries out in joy. “Yes! There is proof!”

“No, it was only- That was a slow day-” Sam punches the other man in the arm. “Cas, this annoying douche is my brother, Dean.”

The man turns to face him. Castiel can feel his mouth opening.

Michael Grey is sitting right in front of him.

Sam laughs and pats him on the back. “Didn’t I tell you?”

Dean rolls his eyes. “Come on, dude, stop telling people; it’s embarrassing as it is.” He gets up and offers a tanned hand for him to shake. “People say I look like some country singer, but as you can see, I’m much more awesome.”

A small sound from the back of his throat is all the answer he has.


The initial shock of meeting a Michael-doppelganger passed while he stared at Dean like he was the messiah among men. Now, two hours later, he's sitting across a table from happy Winchesters as each tries to remember the most embarrassing story about the other to tell Castiel.

This man, this Dean, looks so amazingly like Michael - from his long eyelashes to the very last freckle on his attractive face. If he had claimed to be Michael’s twin, Castiel would have believed him in a bat of an eyelash.

"Lies-" Sam shouts, almost choking on his beer after a particularly ridiculous story involving a rat and his six-year-old self. "It happened nothing like that!"

"Cas, list- listen to this one-” Dean throws his head back in laughter, unable to finish a sentence.

Castiel can’t look away.

After two more rounds of beer, Sam says goodbye, and Dean smiles at him. “I’ll walk with you.”

Castiel nods dumbly and stares at his shoes as they walk.

“Chilly night, hm?”

He raises his eyes to find Dean looking at him with an easy smile. His jacket collar is pulled up, and his hands are tucked in his pockets in a casual way, and Castiel catches himself staring again.

“Something on your mind?” Dean asks.

He tries to better phrase the question in his mind, but it stills comes out as, “You are really not Michael Grey?”

Dean snorts in amusement. “Cas, trust me, if I was Michael Grey, and I had you for a fan, I’d definitely use this to score a date with you.”

Castiel can hear blood running wildly in his ear. Dean has been giving him smiles and long, hot looks all night, but Castiel didn't expect he would just state his intentions so openly.

Dean swallows dryly around an awkward laugh. “Now is the time you say something.”

“Oh, hm…” he starts, fingers fidgeting with his scarf. “What is that I should say?”

“You give me a chance, even though I don’t sing lame songs about marrying my childhood sweetheart.”

“Michael Grey is not lame,” Castiel says before he can stop himself.

Dean smirks. “You a fan, Cas?”

“Not really,” he lies with a shrug he hopes looks natural. “I just like some of his songs.”

“You’re the romantic type then,” he concludes, humming. Castiel doesn’t like being a ‘type’. “Tell me, how would Grey ask you out on a date? And don’t say ‘sing’.”

His mind goes back to fantasies of kisses and passionate words, but his face betrays none of it. He won’t have this man make fun of him, even if he does look like his not-quite-but-almost obsession.

“Dance?” he suggests in his serious tone. Dean laughs, surprised, and Castiel can't help smiling himself. “You say you want to go out with me, but all you have done so far is tease me.”

That and make the most disconcerting goosebumps go up his spine.

“Well, I must be doing something right ‘cause I noticed you can’t keep your eyes off me.”

Because you look so much like Michael, Castiel thinks with some guilt.

Dean takes his silence as agreement. “So, how ‘bout that date?”

On one hand, it feels wrong for screamingly obvious reasons. On the other…

This man is so handsome. Michael’s face with his eyes and his smile - even if Dean Winchester’s smile comes with a bit of mischief he has never seen in any of his idol’s expressions.



20 minutes into their date, Castiel can hardly believe how different Dean is from Michael.

Where Michael is calm with his calculated answers in interviews, Dean is exciting and full of passion, spontaneous and a bit flirty.

And so very interesting.

“Across the whole of America?”

His awe was probably clear in his voice since Dean grins around his burger. “We only stopped for sleep and if Sam got too bitchy about his giant legs being cramped.”

Dean tells him everything about his trips with Sam across the country, his laugh open and inviting as his hand casually touches Castiel’s arm.

Dean touches him a lot. A hand on his back to guide them to their table, fingers brushing his thighs…

And his clothes. Michael always wears plaid shirts while Dean looks so good with his leather and jeans and that strange pendant around his neck.

“I like your leather jacket,” Castiel tells him as they leave the restaurant. Dean looks at him as if trying to figure something out before gently pulling Castiel to stand behind a tree. “What are you-”

“Making sure I get a second date.”


That night, Dean Winchester’s mischievous smile and arousing touch fill Castiel’s mind as he touches himself in the shower. He can still feel the man’s lips taking his own like they belonged to him, his tongue doing amazing things that made his legs weak.

His imaginary Dean laughs in his ear as he comes. “You look so good, baby,” he whispers.

Castiel can hardly sleep that night.

Their second date turns into a third and a fourth. Dean shows up at his work almost every day with the pretence of seeing his brother - Sam snorts. “You never bothered before.” - who graciously declines dinner invitations. Next thing Castiel knows, he’s in the corner of their restaurant sitting next to Dean, the man’s warm lips planting lazy kisses on his neck, setting his skin ablaze.

“I’m gonna keep you, Cas,” he whispers, hand massaging the side of his hip, dangerously close to where heat is gathering. Castiel nods because that’s the only thing Castiel can do when Dean starts acting like this.

Slowly but surely, Michael is pushed from his thoughts, from his life, by a very insistent, very determined Winchester. And it’s a good thing too. Dean doesn’t seem like the sort of man who would willingly share Castiel’s attentions with another.


“So, you and Cas,” Sam starts, handing a beer to his brother.

Dean smiles behind his bottle in a way Sam likes to think of as ‘shy’. “He’s great, Sam.”

“I figured he’d like you, what with his crush on Michael and all.”

Dean pauses for a full minute. “His what?”

“Cas is a fan,” Sam explains with a shrug. “He told me he thought Michael was hot, so I figured I’d introduce you two.”

He gets up in a daze. “Cas went out with me because-”

Sam frowns. He can see now how his brother could come to that conclusion, but it didn’t seem right to him. “No, I’ve seen him with you. He really likes you, Dean-”

“And you thought this was a good idea?” Dean almost shouts. He picks up his jacket on his way to the door. “That he would go out with me because of someone else he likes?”

Sam gulps. “When you put it like that-”

“You were supposed to be the sensible one,” he points out before closing the door.


“Dean?” is all Castiel has time to say before his maybe-boyfriend pushes past him and enters his apartment.

“You.” Dean points an accusing finger at his face. He looks angry and out of breath. Castiel doesn’t like where this is going. “You thought I wouldn’t find out you went out with me because I look like Michael? How stupid do you think-” A pile of magazines and posters on the floor next to a trash can catches his eyes. His own face smiles at him from the cover of People magazine.

Castiel’s face grows hot with shame. “I’m throwing them out,” he quickly says. “Don’t want them around anymore.”

Dean runs a hand through his hair and paces for a moment, trying to find the words. Castiel feels a horrible cold in his stomach - Dean is about to break up with him.

“I am sorry I agreed to that first date for the wrong reasons,” he blurts out before the other man decides to start yelling again. “Does it help if I say I’m in love with you now because you’re nothing like Michael?”

Dean opens and closes his mouth. His eyes stay on Castiel for a long moment before traveling the room, from Michael’s CDs still on the table to the white walls of the plain apartment.

“You got problems, dude,” he finally says.

“We all do.”

“And this thing?” Dean picks up the autographed photo from the table.

“It’s just a stupid photo with some words on it,” Castiel answers and is surprised at how true it feels. “I wasn’t even there when he signed it. He doesn’t even know I exist.”

Dean puts the photo back on the table, face down. He massages his eyes with a hand. He looks more tired and less angry, and Castiel feels himself hoping again.

“Well, I thought this confrontation would be more dramatic…” Dean admits, scratching his head. “You really hurt me, Cas-”

Castiel kisses him, hands holding Dean’s face to keep him in place, afraid of rejection.

Dean circles his arms around his waist and pulls him closer, a strangled groan escaping his lips as he pulls away from the kiss. “… Don’t think kissing is gonna make everything better just like that.”

He shakes his head. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

“Good,” Dean concludes, a bit out of breath. “I didn’t say you could stop.”

If Dean kicks a magazine on the way to his room, Castiel pretends he doesn’t see it.


This story originally had 3000 words but had to be drastically edited to fit the exchange’s rule of 2000 words. I’m sorry, Remivel, if it were up to me, this story would have been way more than 10 pages, complete with a better set up, long scenes of their dates and an even longer ending with Cas finding his way into Dean’s heart again.

slash, dean/cas summer lovin', oneshot, supernatural, dean/castiel, 2000 words, gift for people, dean, fanfic, prompt, castiel

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