Duty Free Gift for the Traveler - Masterpost

Oct 29, 2016 14:57

Duty Free Gift for the Traveler - Masterpost

Beta: The awesome Kodamasama!

Pairings: Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Castiel.

Rating: PG-13 (it may go up in later chapters).

Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me. I am making no profit from this fanfiction.

Spoilers: Up until 6x22.

Warnings: undecided!Dean, hesitant!Cas, Mr. Fix-It!Sam, flirtatious!Gabriel, Bobby being Bobby.

Takes place right after 6x22, with a few changes (prepare for spoilers): Castiel kills Crowley, Sam’s Wall is still there, and Balthazar is alive.

Summary: Sam already has his hands full with Dean’s epic gay love affair with an ex-god without Gabriel suddenly deciding he wants his own slice of hot Winchester.

All chapters’ names are from the album “The Return of the 5000 Lb Man”, by Rahsaan Roland Kirk.

Chapter 1, Part A   Chapter 1, Part B  -  Chapter 2, Part A   Chapter2, Part B   Chapter 3

sam, slash, supernatural, gabriel, dean/castiel, duty free, bobby, dean, 15000~20000 words, fanfic, jazz, sam/gabriel, castiel

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