Jul 17, 2005 01:09
this is up to date as of the day i cut and pasted it to word i just didnt finish it till now
First best friend: Clayton?
First real memory of something: Crawling on the floor
First real kiss: Angela(damn it)
First Job: Win dick me
First crush: Im going to say Krystal
First screen name: Jman131313
First self-purchased album: Smashing Pumpkins-melon collie and the infinite sadness. But if you mean my earned money I think it was Children of Bodom-hate crew death roll
First funeral: my grandpa on my fathers side
First pets: Sqeakie (a cat)
First credit card: visa
First enemy: ?
First big trip: Pennsylvania, Nothing major but my first BIG trip was all over the country with my dad
First play/musical/performance: Coal Chamber opening for Drowning pool
Last cigarette: never tried
Last big car ride: Rock springs count?
Last good cry: Don't remember
Last library book checked out: Something about guitars
Last movie seen: Joy ride
Last beverage drank: Coke
Last food consumed: Krispy Kream donuts, 5 of them
Last crush: Tiffany
Last phone call made: M6ko
Last phone call received: M6ko?
Last time showered: This morning at 1 something after I got up
Last shoes worn: Reebok
Last CD played: KMFDM-adios
Last item bought: Prolly one medium and 1 large french fry at mcdonalds
Last annoyance: Counter Strike
Last soda drank: Coke
Last ice cream eaten: Vanilla
Last shirt worn: KMFDM “Boots”
Last website visited: LJ
Name Four Things That You Wish You Had
- Money
- My own place
- Girl Friend
- Guns, lots of guns
Name Four Scents You Love
- Gasoline
- New car smell
- cant remember anymore
Name Four People You Know Best
- Bobby
- M6ko
- Tiffany
- n/a
Name Four Things You'd Never Wear
- Speedo
- Something gay
Name Four Things You Are Thinking About
- Having a band
- Guns
- Money
- Females
Name Four Things You Did Today
- Slept
- Work
- Updated Lj
- Filled this out
Name Four Bands/Groups Most People Don't Know You Like
- Icp
- clothing: KMFDM, cammo, black pants, soon to be beanies
- music: mostly metal, industrial but I like more than that
- makeup: Nein
- body art: Nein
- shoes: boots/black shoes
Last Thing You
- did: Trimmed mustache hairs that were bothering me
- read: part of a story about a revolution
- watched on tv: Mythbusters
Either / Or
- club or house party: House Party
- tea or coffee: Tea
- high achiever or easy-going: I want to make a lot of money
- cats or dogs: cats
- Pen or pencil: pen
- gloves or mittens: Glove
- cassette or cd: CD
- snuff or cigarettes: niether
- coke or pepsi: Coke
- matches or a lighter: Both
Who Do You Want To
- kill: No one in particular
- hear: The new KMFDM
- look like: Me
- be like: Someone better
- food: Don’t really have one
- drink: Coke and tea
- color: black and red
- shoes: My altama combat boots I guess
- site: Warrifles, Lj, KMFDM, Google image search, RAMROD
- song: don’t have one
- vegetable: don’t have one
- fruit: banana
Last Time
- last time you smiled: Don’t know
- last time you laughed: Don’t know
- last time you danced: I bar with M6ko
- last person you hugged: My cusin
- last thing you said: "My cusin”
- last person you talked to online: M6ko
- last thing you smelled: Win dixe
Do You
- smoke: no
- do drugs: no
- sleep with a stuffed animal: no
- have a dream that keeps occuring: no
- believe there is life on other planets:yes
- read the newspaper: sometimes
- have any gay or lesbian friends: yes
- believe in miracles: yes
- believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: yes
- consider yourself tolerant of others: yes
- consider police a friend or foe: If they do their jobs friend, if they tread on rights or take part in government opression they are nothing but target practice
- like the taste of alcohol: I like the apple sause flavored moonshine I tried
- believe in astrology: no
- believe in magic: no
- pray: yes
- go to church: yes
- have any secrets: yes
- have any pets: 2 cats
- go to or plan to go to college: 4 year after im done with valencia
- have a degree: not yet
- wear hats: no but im getting a beanie
- have any piercings: nein
- have any tattoos: nein
- hate yourself: Sometimes
- wish on stars: Nein
- like your handwriting: eh…
- believe in witches: Nein
- believe in Satan: Ja
- believe in ghosts: no
- trust others easily: no
- use sarcasm: yes
- take walks in the rain: nope
- kiss with your eyes closed: both open and closed
- sing in the shower: nope