Title: Mage of the West
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Author: Sofipitch
Rating: PGish
Word Count: 656
Summary: How Hohenheim's fame spread in Xing.
Warnings: Spoilers.
He became known as a wizard, a man--sometimes god--who could create and destroy every object with a simple clap of his hands. Some feared him, most adored him. But whatever the case, the Xingese people where completely transfixed with the idea of alchemy. He soon began to realize that the only way for people to stop believing that he was some almighty being was to teach others the science to others.
Hohenheim had been a teacher to his fellow slaves so that they could receive a higher lifestyle. He intended to do no less for the Xingese. They were intelligent people, they could probably create more theories than he, now the world's only alchemist, could.
He would keep the science alive.
Hohenheim had been staying with the merchant family that had found him in the desert. Thus, he began teaching the sons of the family head.
They were quick to learn and went on to show their friends in town, bringing more people to Hohenheim's "classes" until son of a business owner who, although not exceedingly so, was a good deal more wealthy than all the families in that region combined. The child's father offered Hohenheim money to travel to the Imperial city and open up a school there, where affluent nobles would send their children. He would then send half the money he made back to his benefactor. Hohenheim accepted the business deal and left the family he had been living with with promises of sending money back to them.
It didn't take long for his fame to spread in the Imperial city. Nobility, it seems, have more free time than those who are indigent, as well, they spend their money with less care than the impoverished. So it was of no surprise to Hohenheim that they would be interested in learning his magic tricks. People would come to him in wide-eyed wonder as they watched the performance he would put on to attract customers. Hohenheim would then offer classes and the children were grabbing their parents and nannies arms, bouncing with excitement when their parents rewarded them for their pleading.
After six months in the Imperial city, Hohenheim was called to the Emperor's court. Hohenheim predicted greed, that he would demand gold, gifts for the Emperor's family and concubines, immortality. But that belief turned out to be a cruel effigy of the Emperor of Xing.
The Emperor sat on his throne at the end of a large and spacious throne room. Another man spoke for him. "The Emperor has become cognizant of your wondrous abilities. He would like to know if you would be able to serve him. You would have your own courters and laboratory. Anything needed for your experiments and research would be delivered forthwith. Would you accept?"
Hohenheim looked at the Emperor, who seemed eager to hear his answer. He leaned forward in his chair and tapped his fingers against the flat of the armrest. He was an old man with what looked to be a perpetual scowl on his face. The skin under his eyes sagged and there where old age spots evident on his face. His black was silver at the root. The man was mostly skeletal too. His bones showed through his robes and his many robes hung off his fame limply. Hohenheim could bet that the man wanted immortality, just by his poor state of health.
"What would I be doing as service to His Majesty?"
The narrator opened his mouth but the Emperor spoke before him. "My daughter is ill and no others have been able to cure her sickness. I'd employ you to come up with a way to do so."
Hohenheim had never preformed any kind of alchemy ritual on a human being, but the idea also didn't seem impossible.
"I accept your proposal Your Majesty."
"You have two days time to move into your courters in the palace, Mage of the West."