Originally posted by
sofipitch at
Challenge #01, Spicy: Parade Title: Next Time Around
Author: Sofipitch
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Word Count: 102
Rating: G
Summary: He’d get her next time around.
Warnings: Not sure…possible spoilers?
"Are you jealous?” Hawkeye whispered from beside him.
He was, dreadfully, but to display those feelings out in public would be insulting. Especially to Furher Armstrong who had allowed him to ride in a car behind her. Everyone would see the distaste, and that wasn’t the image he wanted to send out. He wanted to strike them as someone who would be completely unfazed by such loss.
He gave a slight shrug and continued on waving to the cheering crowd. He made sure his face was a smiling mask, not a look of envy. “I’ll get her next time around,” he promised.