Today I'd like to introduce you to my new blog where the majority of my post will be posted from now on. You will see that I already imported most of my public posts from sofieyamaneko to
Things That Quicken The Heart. The rest will will be moved there eventually.
sofieyamaneko will not be deleted!
I will keep this journal for my personal use, to keep track of my friends-list and post to my favorite communities the same way as I am used to.
Everything that's here, stays here. If you bookmarked one of my posts or saved it in your memories, it won't be lost.
To offer you a smooth transition I will keep on posting teasers and links from here to my new blog,
whenever there is a new post over there - maybe not forever, but at least for a while.
Additionally I put up a new twitter account, to keep you informed, whenever there is something new to share.
thingstqtheart (=thingst(hat)q(uicken)t(the)heart). (I am new to twitter so give me some time to get the hang of it ;)
Thank you!
I want to use the opportunity to express my gratitude to all my friends and subscribers, who follow my journal with interest and especially to those of you, who give me all this kind feedback and express your inspiring ideas and suggestions in your comments and messages. I hope the simple fact, that I'll be having a new internet address will not keep you from visiting and that you'll all stay in touch and continue to share your thoughts with me. I apologize to my subscribers for the inconvenience I am causing, but please take the effort to visit my new site and if you like
subscribe via rss or, if you are a user of blogger yourself, just follow me there. I will be happy to hear from you. You don't have to be locked in, in order to write a comment btw. Also you can of course still leave comments or send me a message here.
With love, Sofie
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