May 29, 2016 23:32
It has been such a struggle to kick start this breastfeeding thing, and honestly, I am quite tired. There are soo many conflicting views/opinions that at the end of the day I question whether the effort will really bring the results I want. Because at the end of the day, we are all different and respond differently... So here's to resigning to fate and destiny. Ya Allah, you have decreed mothers to nurse their offsprings till 2 years of age, if it is truly the best for my baby, please give me strength to pull through and put in the added effort to make it work. You have brought me down this path, please help me through it. I know that this is exactly where I'm supposed to be and what I'm supposed to so, and I have faith that whatever that is in store for me will be where I am supposed to be. And if this journey is not meant for me, then I have faith that it was never a path I was supposed to be on. Ya Allah, I do not ask for this journey to be smooth, I ask for strength. I do not ask for a lesser challenge, but for increased faith.
I have just over two more months to make this work, before I head back to work... Insya'Allah what is supposed to be will be.