Jan 27, 2016 17:48
so we recently got confused as to whether or not we were eligible to make claims through the Medisave Maternity Package, but our gynae said that it shldnt be a problem. but then when i read up further about the MMP i realised that the cap is at $450 not per session but for the total cost of antenatal care, and $2150 for delivery charges. means if my Mount E bill amounts up to 9k (which is the 50th percentile) then i would be paying 7k out of our own pockets. which is think is ridiculous no matter where you go to to deliver. so now i am seriously considering switching to Parkway east (50th percentile at 5k) because its much cheaper (but takes as long to travel) of course there are pros and cons of switching gynaes and hospitals, but the main issue is the finances because the difference would be a whopping 4k .... i mean seriously ... that is twice of my old salary ..... but then again, we havent found a gynae to replace Dr Lim, who has been great so far. she even suggested switching to Dr Lubna (who is at PEH) but she only receives patients who are under 12 weeks. so now we are stuck. stay with Mount E or switch to Parkway East?