Oct 27, 2005 13:38

After highschool, that's when I started to think about life and why I exist. I know that there are probably other "wonder woman's" out there, but I know that I definitely wonder and think a lot. What is seriously the point of living? What is the point of anything? We're all going to die and what then? When we're dead all the things we've done in our life is basically a waste, because when we die all our accomplishments don't go anywhere. We didn't choose to be put on this earth we were just put here and raised to live a good life and live is to the fullest. To me the most important thing in life is happiness, it can be any form or shape, it's the feeling that it gives you and the state of mind that you're in. I'm a pretty simple person yet I still want to see what I can accomplish in this life that was given to me. I've learned so much about life and how messed up this world is. What we have to do is just live it to the best of our ability. All I have in my life right now that matters most to me is my family and friends,they keep me happy. I know that I'm still pretty young and my state of mind will change..this is what I'm currently thinking about at the moment. LIfe is seriously a wonder to me, priorities is important all I want is to live a good healthy, find a good husband that wants me and all of me and have successful life. Have a good job that I love doing and that doesn't create so much stress

Tell me guys what relationships with the opposite sex are and mean to you?
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