(no subject)

Jun 06, 2020 21:49

1. What does your dream life look like?
- I just want to be happy, loved, healthy, and be here to watch my son grow up. I want to be very financially stable.
2. What does your ideal day look like?
- I recenly answered this one... hang at the beach, eat somewhere nice, read, nap.
3. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
- Hopefully doing very well in my career, with my own house.
4. If you didn't need the money, would you choose to work?
- Honestly, I don't think so. I would want to stay home with my son.
5. In this moment, what are four things you’re grateful for?
- Mine and my family's health, our home, being able to provide financially, and having good food to eat.
6. What limiting beliefs do you have that’s keeping you from reaching your dream life?
- Sometimes I think I won't be able to accomplish something, so I tend to not go for it. I'm afraid of failing.
7. If you could choose one food chain to get free food from for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
- Oh gosh... that's a hard one. Whataburger!
8. If you could be a member of any TV sitcom family, which would it be?
- Aw, the Villanueva family in Jane the Virgin. I could be a cousin or something, lol.
9. When do you feel most in tune with yourself?
- When I'm out in nature, walking or simply meditating on things.
10. If you could talk to anyone dead or alive, who would it be?
- I would love to meet Michael Jackson, but I don't know if I would be able to talk, lol.
11. What is a song you currently love?
- I've recently been really into "Lust for Life" by Lana del Rey and The Weeknd.
12. Who do you look up to the most?
- I don't have any one person I look up to.
13. If someone else described you, what do you think they’d say?
- Quiet, a little reserved, good sense of humor. Kind.
14. What does happiness mean to you?
- Having health and love in your life.
15. How have you changed in the last 5 years? What’s the biggest lesson you learned?
- I've become a little more willing to take risks. And I learned that over time, especially after major events, you learn who your REAL friends are.
16. If today was your last day, what would you do?
- Spend it with my son and husband, just at home, talking and sharing a few of my favorite things.
17. If you could give advice to your younger self, what would you say?
- Don't limit yourself. Don't worry so much. Enjoy the present moment.
18. How do you spend your Sundays?
- Well now that its summer I don't do anything in particular.
19. What do you need more of in your life?
- Tranquility.
20. If you could have any three things in the world, what would they be?
- Health, wealth, and safety for me and my family.
21. Do you believe in miracles or luck?
- I do believe in miracles. Things happen that can't be explained. But as for luck, I think that has to do with the person's mindset, like the law of attraction.
22. What are 10 things you love about yourself?
- I'm caring, kind, curious, my eyes, my tattoos, the fact that I've made it this far, that I'm a mom, being a teacher, my legs, my lips.
23. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
- For the most part no, but it depends on who it is with.
24. What activities sets your soul on fire?
- I don't know... I like dancing and music.
25. How can you feel more fulfilled in your life?
- I need to accomplish more of my goals, more of the stuff on my bucket list.
26. If you couldn’t fail, what would you do?
- Play the lottery, lol.
27. What do you need more of in your life? Less of?
- I need more peace of mind, less stress.
28. If you could be any fictional character, who would you be?
- Hmm... this is a tricky one. I read so much and now I can't pick!
29. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
- There are lots of places I would love to visit... I would love to go to Italy.
30. What’s your dream job?
- I don't know... I love teaching, but I would love being an author.
31. What’s your favorite memory?
- I can't pick just one... My wedding, honeymoon, when my son was born.
32. How did your darkest moments shape you into who you are today?
- Not to be corny, but I do feel like they made me stronger, more willing to take risks because I know I can pull through.
33. What was the last concert you went to?
- We got free tickets from our friends to see Pink, and it was amazing! We were so close and the show was just so great.
34. What’s one toxic thing (or person) in your life you need to let go of?
- I hold on to things, my willpower needs to be stronger. And maybe let go of some people that don't contribute anything good to my life.
35. What’s something you’ve always wanted to do, but was too scared?
- Skydive. I can't bring myself to do it, but I feel it would be like an incredible feeling.
36. How can you take better care of yourself?
- I can afford to eat healthier.
37. What is something that would surprise people about you if you told them?
- Most people are surprised that I truly believe in paranormal... spirits, hauntings, etc. They are so real to me.
38. At the end of life, what would you want to be remembered by?
- Doing good things.
39. What would make you happy right now?
- A million dollars.
40. Do you think there is life on other planets?
- Yes. I really do.
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