Fringe 4x13 - A Better Human Being

Feb 18, 2012 12:10

It is so hard to write something after an episode like this. I’ll have to say that I didn’t particularly care for the case; very few cases grabbed my interest lately. The emotional tangles involving our characters are so complex and beautiful to watch that I almost resent that we have to waste time with cases. As if their lives weren’t a big enough case! As always I’m on my toes waiting for the last minutes of the episode, I know that’s when the geniality of these writers will strike.

I want to give both Anna and Josh a big hug for being so wonderful in their scenes together. They were on the zone, it’s like there was this magnetic force between them, each giving the other the energy to produce all the emotions that we could see in their faces: Peter’s confusion, longing and final surrender, and Olivia’s strength and belief in her and in them, the joy of their love, but at the same time not knowing what to do with these new/gained memories. Until that kiss of course; let’s all just watch that kiss and admire the beauty of the feelings involved.

Now, Nina! There are two of them! The writers had told us that maybe we had met alternate Nina already. It looks like we did; but who is who? I don’t want any of our characters to be a shapeshifter, that would be too easy and predictable. I rather have an alternate Nina who is working with Jones and the Nina we’ve always known who hopefully hasn’t betrayed Olivia’s trust and love. I need answers, there are too many questions and no answers!

Just like in season one when the character of Jones was introduced and led the show to the path that we’re now following, also this time Jones (with a little help of Nina) gives the plot a tremendous excitement and mystery that I can’t wait to see.

episode discussion, a better human being, fringe

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