another survey thingy

Jul 19, 2004 15:10

[Name] steph
[Screen name] if your here you already know it
[Birthday] October 11
[Age] 19
[Astrological sign?] Libra
[Chinese zodiac sign?] Rat
[Location] traverse City, MI
[Sexual Preference] guys
[Marital Status] single & looking
[Religion] roman catholic
[Eye Color] blueish
[Height] 5'9"
[Shoe size] 11(i know i know)

[Parents still together?] nope
[Siblings?] 3 whole brothers, 1 half brother, 1 half sister, 2 stepbrothers, 1 stepsister
[Nieces/Nephews?] not yet
[Kids of your own?] nope
[Pets?] pickles the cat and cassie the dog
[In school/graduated]? graduated high school in 2003, going into 2nd year at ferris state
[Rent, lease, or own your home?] live on campus @school, live w/ parent when at home
[Have any credit cards?] 1
[What do you drive?] '92 chevy lumina euro edition(i also have a '98 grandprix, but thats another story)

[Color] i guess deep red and pink
[Number] 21 and 377
[Animal] cats
[Vehicle] pontiac grandprix, chevy monte carlo, trucks(doesn't, chevy, gmc, dodge)
[Flower] stargazer lily, roses, peonies
[Scent] Lucky U
[Shape] i don't know
[Drinks] i'm in for anything except for cheap vodka.
[Soda] diet pepsi
[Bands] i listen to everything
[Songs] too many to list

=Do you...=
[Color your hair?] don't color it, highlight and lowlights
[Have tattoos?] yep, 3
[Piercings?] yep,1
[Cheat on tests/homework?]no, i'm not stupid
[Drink/Smoke?] drink like a fish, don't smoke(ew)
[Like roller coasters?] love em
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] yeah, sometimes
[Want more piercings?] yes
[Like cleaning?] sometimes
[Write in cursive or print?] a combination (and andy hated when i did it!)
[Carry a donor card?] yes
[Own a web cam?] no
[Know how to drive?] yes
[Own a cell phone?] yes
[Ever get off the damn computer?] of course, have to eat, sleep and party
[Habla Espanol?] si, only a little bit though

=Have you ever...=
[Gotten a speeding ticket?] nope, the advantage of having daddy as a cop
[DUI?] hell no
[Been in a wreck?] yes 1
[Been arrested?] nope
[Been in a fist fight?] yes
[Stolen anything?] nope
[Held a gun?] yes, i'm a country kid
[Drank?] yes
[Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name?] yes
[Considered a life of crime?] no
[Considered being a rent boy?] nope
[Been married?] no, i wanna get married someday though
[Cried over a girl?] no
[Cried over a boy?] yes
[Lied to someone?] yep
[Fallen for your best friend] nope
[Been in lust?] who hasn't
[Used someone?] no
[Experimented with homosexuality?] no

[Current mood] excited
[Current music] "Austin" by Blake Shelton
[Current taste] macaroni and cheese
[Current hair] going crazy, down,
[Current smell] fresh cut grass
[Current thing I ought to be doing] tanning
[Current windows open] all the windows upstairs and the doors
[Current desktop picture] slideshow of family pics
[Current book] don't have one right this second
[Current cd in stereo] three doors down
[Current crush] Tj
[Current favorite celeb] too many
[Current hate] being neon white(i can't tan, damnit)
[Current job] "au pair" for my cousins

=The last time=
[Last book you read] Suzannes diary for nicholas
[Last movie you saw] i can't remember
[Last thing you had to drink] mountain dew
[Last thing you ate] macaroni and cheese
[Last person you talked to on the phone] my mommy

=do you=
[Do drugs?] no
[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] yes, all the time
[Play an instrument?] clarinet
[Believe there is life on other planets?] when i see it, i will
[Remember your first love?] yep...kill me
[Still love him/her?] always will
[Read the newspaper?] yep
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] yes
[Believe in miracles?] Absolutely.
[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] yes
[Consider yourself tolerant of others?] try to be
[Consider love a mistake?] no
[Have a favorite candy?] yes, reeses
[Believe in astrology?] yeah
[Believe in magic?] nope
[Believe in God?] yup!
[Do well in school?] not as good as i should be doing *kicks self in ass*
[Go to or plan to go to college] 2nd year @ ferris
[Wear hats?] sometimes
[Hate yourself?] depends on the day( j/k)
[Have an obsession?] not really
[Have a secret crush?] not at the moment, but have before
[Do they know yet?] see above
[Collect anything?] not really~ odds and ends sometimes
[Have Close friends?] yes
[Like your handwriting?] for the most part
[Care about looks?] depends
[First crush] god...cody hurst back in like 1st grade
[single or attached?] single
[Ever been in love?] yep
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] of course
[Do you believe in "the one?"] YES
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