Today was the first of many parent/teacher conferences in TLO's future school days. I was surprised that they had one for preschoolers.
TLO is 95% over her bronchitis by the way. She still coughs a bit if the air is particularly cold or if she runs too much; but otherwise it looks like she's kicked it.
The school evaluates pre-k kids in four areas: social/emotional development, cognitive development, physical development, and language development. The teacher sat down with me and explained that TLO works well with other children, though she needs reminding to share or take turns at times (common for four year olds). TLO is wonderful at sorting objects and using her imagination in great ways. She is drawing well and writing ahead of her classmates. The teacher also told me that TLO seems to be a leader. She is often at the center of a group of children, but has no problem walking away if she isn't interested in what they are doing, and she is just as happy playing alone as with others.
The teacher recommended that I work with TLO on following directions with more than one step - go get a tissue, then wash your hands for example - and to practice using scissors. Otherwise she is doing very well. The teacher complimented me on TLO's sweet temperment, manners, and interactions. Of course, we all knew she was wonderful but it's nice to hear from an outside source.
Heather - is there any teacher speak in here that needs translating?
The teacher also gave me a CD with snapshots of TLO at school. I have uploaded them to : for those who wish to see.
Love to you all.