Apr 25, 2005 18:35
oh yea....forgot to mention about saturday night and babysitting!! ok, so angela knew that when i babysit for this guy rick, i get totallyl fucked up cuz he buys me alcohol....so she wanted to babysit w/ me......so we get there and we're both too scared to make a big deal about him buying us margarita mix and stuff lol...so we just stick with the sam adams and wine lol......so we realize that his house is a MESS!!! so we decide we'll clean it, and then have stefanie make a beer run for us and then she can bring a few ppl over to a CLEAN house.....well, we ended up cleaning his kitchen, living room and his sons room.....OH MY GOD!! it took us like 4 hrs. omg! it was so stupid, but we felt better after doing it lol......so @ about 8ish, we finally were done and decided to watch Little Rascals and drink.....omg! SOOO funny!!!! ""oootttaaaayyyy" lol....lmao!! good times.....