Announcing Hot Dish #2, Available at Midwest FurFest!

Nov 22, 2016 22:15

We are excited to announce the release of Hot Dish Vol. 2! After several years of production and a lot of last-minute work, we are relatively confident that it will be printed and available for official release at Midwest FurFest in the vicinity of Chicago December 1-4. The book will also be available for purchase online starting Friday, December 2 (the day the Dealers Den opens).

Hot Dish is for adults only.

Hot Dish is now officially a series. It started with a first volume collected from story submissions that were too long for Heat, our annual anthology of short stories, comics and poetry about love and romance between individuals of all species and orientations. After the success of our first volume, which was released in 2013, we began collecting stories for a second, and Hot Dish #2 is the result.

So please stop by our table in the MFF Dealers Den. As in previous years, we are at booths 3-4 in the International Ballroom.

Special thanks go to Dark End for all the editorial heavy lifting required to pull this volume together, and to Teagan Gavet for wrangling illustrators and the layout. Without their efforts Hot Dish #2 would not exist!
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