Caterwall Signing, Pre-Holiday Sale & Upcoming Releases

Nov 22, 2015 08:17

We will be getting a visit from Spain Fischer over the Thanksgiving holiday, and she has offered to take some time away from the mountains of food to sign some books! Here is how it will work:
  • Buy a copy of Caterwall (Softcover or Hardcover) through our website between now and midnight on Friday the 27th, and it will be signed. We will ship them out the following weekend.
  • If you would like it personalized, just leave instructions in the comments field on your order, or email us afterward if you forget.
  • We will also be getting some extra copies signed for sale at Midwest FurFest, so if you would rather get them there, you can do so. (Spain will not be attending the con, however, so you won't be able to get them personalized unless you buy online ahead of time.)

Also, from now until midnight on Sunday the 29th, use the following code for 15% off ANYTHING in the store:


Lastly, on the new products front, we will be putting the Anubis Dark Desire anthology (Softcover and Hardcover) online for purchase beginning on Monday the 30th. They will also be available at MidWest Furfest and for many conventions to come. If you did not get a chance to back the Kickstarter, you can now pick up copies of the book for yourself or others.

We will also SOON begin taking pre-orders for Over Time (Softcover and Hardcover) the FINAL book in the Out of Position series by Kyell Gold for the Janury 15th, 2016 release date. We will make an announcement before this happens with all the relevant details, and will also have reprints available of all the past Hardcovers in the series, so that folks who missed out on previous releases can catch up on those.

We hope everyone in the US has a terrific Thanksgiving, and everyone else a terrific plain old Thursday.
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