Heat #13 Submissions Now Open!

Jul 23, 2015 23:13

With Heat #12 successfully released, and after a brief break for the editorial team to recuperate, it's now time to start the process all over again for Heat #13! We have opend up our Submittable submissions categories once again for submissions of Heat stories, poems and comics.

Heat is our annual anthology of tales about love and romance told through a variety of storytelling formats. Each issue strives to showcase some of the best romantic and erotic fiction, including any and all sexual orientations.

The submission process is pretty straight forward. Just follow the above links to the submission page for the appropriate category and follow the instructions. You do not have to pay to create an account or to submit to any of our categories.

Because of known scheduling issues for our editorial team in the coming year, we are going to press our production schedule forward in order to get into editing mode as soon as feasibly possible. As such, we are opening for submissions through Monday, August 31. If you'd like to submit stories, poetry or comics for consideration for Heat #13, you have a little over five weeks to do so. We hope to get through reviewing submissions in September and into editing of our selected works by early October. If all goes as planned, we still hope to have the next volume ready for release at Anthrocon 2016.
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