Heat #12 and Hot Dish #2 Submissions Open, now through September!

Jul 15, 2014 22:35

[Alopex] Now that we’ve survived Anthrocon and the successful release of Heat #11 and several other new products and the 2-day drive home AND the shipping of pre-orders (mostly) it’s time to think about starting things up all over again for Heat #12!
Heat #12 Submissions

Our deadline this year is the same as last year’s: September 30. However, we’re making the announcement quite a bit earlier than last year, so you all have two and a half months to finish polishing off your stories! (You all have been busy writing already and not waiting for this announcement, right? Right?)

Last year was our first year using Submittable for managing submissions, and it has worked out well enough that we’re going to continue using it this year. You can start on our main page or go directly to the submission forms for Heat stories, poems, and comics.

Please note that we’ve had one report of Submittable’s confirmation emails getting caught by spam filters, which hopefully they’re working on fixing. In the meantime, if you’re ever unsure about the status of your submissions, you can always log in to Submittable, check out “My Submissions” under your account details, and then click on the “Activity” tab for any of your submissions. That will reveal whatever emails Submittable has sent to your email account, whether they successfully made it to your inbox or not. If you have any further questions, please contact us at talent@sofawolf.com.

And, as I can’t say it enough times, many thanks to Dark End and Teagan Gavet for their tremendous work on Heat #11, along with Huskyteer and Jeff for their slushpile and editing work. Hopefully they won’t kill me for not giving them much of a break before starting it all up once again!
Hot Dish #2 Submissions

We’ve made some good progress with the submissions that have come in so far, but we’re still looking for more in order to put together a volume of similar length as the first volume. As incentive for procrastinators to get their works-in-progress polished up and submitted, we’re setting a deadline of September 30, 2014 for Hot Dish, the same as for Heat. All submissions received by this deadline will be considered. If after we’ve reviewed these submissions we find that we have enough stories to fill the next volume, we will officially close submissions and begin our editing work in earnest.

If we don’t accept enough submissions by this deadline, we will keep it open. But we offer no guarantees, so, if you want to be in Hot Dish #2, now is the time to get to work!

Our Hot Dish submissions form remains open at its original location.
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