Feb 12, 2010 22:37
So, Ellen decided we (Greg, myself, and her brother Stephen) were going to Michigan for her birthday. For 5 days. Awesome. Her family footed my plane ticket, so I'm not about to complain there.
However, the flight out here (due to having to get 4 people on the same flight on semi-short notice) was kind of sucky. First off, it left at like 5:30am. Secondly, it left from Manchester, which meant that we left Olin at 3:00am to get there in time to park and check in and such. Third, the plane was very, very cold for the entire flight. Too cold to nap, although I had trouble staying awake anyway as I'd "slept" from about 10:30pm to 1:00am (otherwise known as Not Enough). I was pretty incoherent by the time we landed - I was pretty adamant that I wanted to go to Hawaii and sleep.
Nonetheless, adventures have been good thus far, and surprisingly low key (as compared to Hong Kong/Thailand) - mainly centered around acquisition of food and downtime.