Apr 12, 2006 15:05
Okay, I know how much you all have been dying to hear my first extreme experience with a NUDE MODEL!!!! So here goes...
it started off as "Jacquie-ish" as possible: I was late to class, and I walked into class, and everyone was already there, even the teacher. No one was saying anything because everyone was in disbelief at the fact that the chair at the front of the room would soon be filled with a naked person... so the awkward tension was a little too much to take, so I just made my way to the front of the room while saying:
"All-right everyone, my name is Jacquie. LET'S DO THIS!" (and i proceeded to fake take off my shirt) laughs all around! Aha! Ahadilly Ha! Ho ho ho hahah hoho!
Then everything went awkward again cause the old wrinkling lady nude model showed up as I was mocking her... EEP. I have friends...
So we're all standing there, and the robe comes off, and all I can think is: "Let's start the bidding at 100 dollars... Do I hear 100? 1000?!" I thanked God that Drawing Boards are big enough to laugh behind without being seen.
Then she started doing this REALLY horribly funny thing to Mike in the front row... she kept winking and smiling at him!! And she even had this cackle-laugh that made me choke with laughter... he came up to me later and was like: "I need to LEAVE. I don't even know her name and I've already seen more of her than my girlfriend! If she winks at me again... ugh, she's so gross..."
Har Har! *WINK*
But the best part of the whole day had to have been when we started to draw in charcoal, and I was wearing a white skirt (genius on my part), and Professor Colin says: "Okay, so let's take a break for a sec. What is one thing you guys are having trouble with?" And I said "Not getting charcoal on my skirt" and as Karen stood there laughing, the NUDE (it's important you remember this is a NUDE model) MODEL walks over to me and says: "Do you wanna wrap my robe around your waist so you don't ruin your skirt?" I kept thinking: "Nonononono... the robe is all you HAVE!!!" So I stuttered and just said "Uh, no, I'm good. I just will be careful..thanks though!" AWFUL!!
And then Mike ended it all with: "Dude, she is the LAST person I'd want handing out clothes.. especially if the sed clothes are the ONLY ones she's wearing... Do you think she was homeless?"
TO JILL, COLLEEN, AND STEVE: "I fought the urge to not say: "You're not wearing any clothes..are you poor?"
O man.