Hi! This is Rosa SAValife. Since Rosa Lutea so kindly started us off again (AND I found this in the archives of my computer which i thought i had lost in the epic harddrive failure of a few months ago).
If you are still here and looking, comment! If you wish to update your request, feel free to comment here as well and then post a new one; since this list is REALLY old since I made it the last time I made MY request, which is old though you can still see it. Also feel free to link this place around, let's see if we can revive it (I miss it too)!
Grande Soeur Requests
6thstation Rosa Lutea
linkdreamwriteremmy Rosa SAValife
linkla_magdalena Rosa Ausbloom
linkfrankthepirate Rosa Cymosa
linkkaguyahime Rosa Seraphinii
linkseiichiyamagai Rosa Banksaie
linkvolk_krosh Rosa Yeskaoda
linkpapier Rosa Osiria
linksiete_reinos Rosa Mirifica
link Bouton Requests
ochibi_richuu Rosa Damascena en bouton
linkstitchedmoon Rosa Dulcimissa en bouton
link Petite Soeur Requests
t_walkman linktasoka linkhello_pineapple linknekowriter linkankh_scarab linkhasu link Other Requests
enichan is a bouton with her own petite soeur, she is looking for an Oneesama of her own.