Fanfic - Of Ladybugs and Scissors - [Naruto: SasuNaruSasu]

Feb 14, 2006 12:42

Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: SasuNaruSasu [no seme/uke]. And actually, very vague hints at the pairings. And not even a kiss. Woe.
Rating: PG. So completely safe.
Warnings: Ladybugs. And kids? Don't Run With Scissors.
Dedicated to burnein for giving me the pairing and idea when I told her that I didn't want to write a V-day fic.
Happy Commercial Love Day, everyone!

Of Ladybugs and Scissors

There was a ladybug on his nose. For all that he professed to be the best thing that could possibly have happened to the ANBU squad, you would think he would be able to sense an insect landing on his nose.

Sasuke’s hand twitched imperceptibly as he studied the little red beetle that had taken up temporary residence on Naruto’s nose. Ignoring the dark gaze on it, it crawled up the bridge of the blonde’s nose, coming to a stop perilously close to an eye. Idly, Sasuke wondered if the ladybug could lose its balance and fall onto an eye. And then maybe the idiot would finally realise it was there and wake up, except that would mean his eyes would open and then the ladybug would fall in.

Which wasn’t a very pleasant idea, and Sasuke swiftly banished that train of thought. It would just serve the idiot right anyway.

The ladybug crawled onto Naruto’s eye.

Sasuke twitched. Naruto didn’t move.

The ladybug abruptly took off, wings buzzing swiftly. It vanished into the darkness in a matter of seconds.


Sasuke glanced back at Naruto, unsure whether he’d heard right. “Cute?”

Blue eyes were finally open, easily visible even in the darkness. “Cute,” Naruto affirmed, a bright, genuine smile on his face. Somehow, it was even more easily visible than his eyes, and Sasuke had to glance away. “The ladybug, it was cute.”

Sasuke snorted. “There’s something wrong with you, idiot.”

“Nothing more than the usual,” Naruto replied cheerfully. “It was just such a little thing, I couldn’t bear to knock it off.”

“Knocking it off wouldn’t kill it,” Sasuke pointed out.

“But it might hurt its feelings!” Naruto protested, finally getting to his feet and brushing off his clothes. Sasuke didn’t bother dignifying that statement with a response.

He did, however, think that this was exactly why he’d come back to Konoha. For this bright smile, this easy camaraderie. For Naruto, though he hesitated to say it even to himself. For the future Hokage, and Sasuke found himself thinking once again that Naruto would make a very good Hokage indeed.

If he could care about a ladybug’s feelings…

He either had enough love and affection in him to go around the village nine times, or he was just that much of an idiot. Sasuke suspected it was both.

“So what brings you to my humble abode, Sasuke-bastard?”

Pushing back the folds of his heavy black cloak, Sasuke held out the box. It wasn’t wrapped; seeing Naruto run around earlier that day trying to wrap his gift to Sakura had effectively killed any desire Sasuke might have had to wrap this present.

The blonde had shown up at his house, asking for help wrapping the present. At the end of the whole ordeal, Naruto had more tape and ribbons on him than the gift did, Sasuke had experienced six near-aneurysms and the Uchiha mansion looked like a tornado had blown through a gift shop. An apologetic Naruto had gone around hacking the pieces of tape and paper and ribbons off his walls with a pair of scissors. The scissors weren’t the safest thing to be running around the house with, but who was Sasuke to stop him? And by then he’d needed a cup of coffee very badly anyway.

“If you don’t want it, I’m giving it to charity,” Sasuke finally said, as the silence stretched on a little too long. That spurred Naruto into action, a tanned hand grabbing for the present before Sasuke could make good on his threat.

“I thought you didn’t like Valentine’s Day,” Naruto said softly, the vague beginnings of a smile tugging at his lips.

“I don’t,” Sasuke huffed. “It’s an utterly idiotic concept. That’s just… a friendship gift, okay?”

It was when Naruto started laughing that Sasuke realised he’d fallen hard (and hopelessly). But at least Naruto wasn’t rejecting the gift; had understood what Sasuke was trying so hard not to say, and was actually looking pretty pleased with the present.

And maybe, Sasuke thought, that was what he’d really come back to Konoha for.


naruto, uzumaki naruto, fic, uchiha sasuke, sasuke/naruto

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