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soera January 17 2013, 07:53:56 UTC
[There's more of Jack, Owen and Gwen here than you probably wanted, but Toshiko and Ianto do save the day. Hope you like!]

devil’s in the details

“Okay, so shooting it doesn’t work,” Owen said, backing up.

“What now?” Gwen asked nervously, still holding her gun on the alien.

“It has to have a weak point,” Jack said. He’d just be damned if he could figure out what it was. The alien had already killed two families; they couldn’t let it get away, but they couldn’t figure out how to stop it either. How were they supposed to contain it?

“What weak point?” Owen demanded. “Can’t shoot it, can’t burn it, can’t drown it, can’t poison it, what’s left?”

“Sonic weapons,” Toshiko said from behind them. Owen and Gwen whirled in surprise. Jack kept his gun trained on the alien, but turned slightly to bring Toshiko into his peripheral vision. Ianto was with her, and they were both carrying sonic disruptors. So much for leaving them back at the Hub. Then again, they did seem to have come up with a solution to their little problem, so -

“Have at it,” he said cheerfully, ducking out of the way. Ianto and Toshiko raised their weapons in unison and fired.

The alien sort of - glorbled, and dissolved into a vast pool of sticky goo.

“Where’d you get those, anyway?” Jack asked, holstering his gun and running a practiced eye over his team. Owen and Gwen were a little banged up, but otherwise fine. Toshiko and Ianto were fine.

“I did some cross-referencing and discovered they were probably weak against sonic weapons,” Toshiko explained. “Didn’t think it would help, but Ianto vanished for a while and came back with these.”

Jack glanced at Ianto.

“Archives,” Ianto said, succinctly.

“Of course,” Jack said with a grin. It was just like his two quietest team members, to pull a rabbit out of their hats at the last second. A swell of pride rose in him. “Well done, both of you.”

“Yeah, nicely done, whatever,” Owen said grumpily, toeing the goo, then grimacing in distaste when it stuck to his shoe. “But how the hell are we gonna clean this up?”


shinya_diey January 17 2013, 17:03:19 UTC
Oh, I love when Tosh and Ianto team up to kick ass and save the day ^^


itsmeyousee January 18 2013, 04:22:06 UTC
Perfect absolutely perfect , thank you, particularly loved Tosh explaining and Ianto one word answer LOL very them, all of them


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