Fanfic - An Excerpt [Hawaii Five-0: Steve, Danny]

May 15, 2011 13:41

Title: An Excerpt From Got Your Back: A Study of Partnerships in Law Enforcement
Rating(s): PG
Character(s): Steve, Danny [friendship or pairing, you choose]
Summary: Check out the title. Also, the A/N.
Author's Notes: Inspired by this prompt. It's not quite an answer to the prompt - I think the prompter wanted to see the aftermath, and possibly some Steve/Danny goodness, but... this is what my brain came up with. [If I have time and inspiration, I will attempt to continue this. If not, hopefully someone else will run with it. =D]
Page layout totally inspired by my sister's numerous Psychology textbooks.

Edit to clarify: This isn't a fully-fledged work, no. It's what I immediately thought of when I read the prompt, and then I had to make it happen. Actual fic stuff - lead-in, aftermath, whatever - not here right now, just this little fragment. I'm hoping it'll go somewhere, but at the moment it's 50-50 on the odds of that happening. But even as a little taste/teaser/thing I hope y'all like it anyway. =D
Edit to the edit: There is now a proper fic for this fragment here!

Danny closed the book and slanted amused eyes at Steve, who still looked mildly shell-shocked. "You do realise, husband mine," he said, "that we will never live this down."

steve/danny, hawaii five-0, steven mcgarrett, daniel "danny" williams, fic, pre-slash

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