back with more

Oct 09, 2006 15:17

And you wonder why the Asians are taking over the world?
       -comparing American and Asian students

The white guy gangs were too passive. They were always high.
       -on why white gangs were less violent in the 60s

I have shakey friends. These are the ones who lived. The others didn't do so well.
       -on his friends

With a name like Cecil, I guess you need to be good at webpages.
       -on a webmaster with a goofy name

Any Asian students here who read the book?
       -apparently in frustration over not teaching in Asia

I think I should be a janitor. Fix something, take a break. My friend works at Port Authority. Change a light bulb, take a 2 hour break. Change a light bulb, go to lunch. Change a light bulb, go home. He gets $70,000 a year plus benefits and all the light bulbs he can steal. This is why it costs $6 to cross a bridge.
       -dispensing excellent career advice

Yo dig me. Kill this mother f'er. It's not funny!
       -on rap

My wife listens to that shit. I won't let her play it in the car when my kids are there. I don't want them to hear about trailer trash, kicking dogs, and drinking Jack Daniels. It's as bad as 'kill this bitch.'
       -on country music

I know you find it hard to believe, but girls talk about each other behind their backs.
       -on behavior in girl gangs

I have little girls, so I'm trying to get them into as many sports as possible so they don't get knocked up.
       -on parenting

I must've had game in those days, because she was a sweetie. I don't how I tricked her. But she was smart enough to dump my ass. Then she got engaged right away, must've figured it can't get worse. But she got divorced, that's what she gets for dumping me.
       -on an ex-girlfriend  
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