[SCENARIOS] April 16th-30th

Apr 15, 2009 00:17

April 16 - April 30

Spring is now in full bloom across the island. The trees are green once more, the grass is lush and thick with flowers sprouting up from the ground in a grand assortment of vibrant colors. The soft breeze floating in from the shore is now a welcomed blessing, a momentarily alleviation from the heat that has now begun to beat down on the island from the bright sun in it's sky. Such temperatures could cause problems for the island in the future, but for the time being, the threat is nonexistent and hardly a concern for those living in Soeldei. After all, something of an entirely different nature has caught their attention.

The treasure map that was taking up a page within the residents journals and changing with the times has vanished completely, as an unnamed figure has found the treasure for themselves. What this treasure is, exactly, is yet to be seen, but the residents can be sure that the treasure is more than it seems and its finder intends to use the treasure's abilities for their own personal gain.

Your stores should be more closely guarded, Banausos. If they were, such a thing wouldn't have happened! As skilled merchants, you should know better than to leave your establishments unprotected, but seeing as such precautions were not taken, your shops were torn apart by those desperate to find the finder of the treasure. They will stop at nothing until they find it! Do not look yet yourselves, Banausos. See to your shops first.

The time to patiently wait for the Council to come fourth and speak out to the masses has ended and it's now time for us, the prestigious Brahmin, to reach out and contact them ourselves. However, being that getting in contact with the Council is not an easy feat, it's going to take some work. Let us gather and discuss a course of action, elect speakers and bring this matter to the Council's attention.

Someone found the treasure, did they? How unfortunate that it was not one of the Cabal - and if it was, I am not sure whether to applaud you or be furious with you for not making it known. But, seeing how things are, it is the perfect opportunity for us to take advantage of the people's thirst for answers! Say you have it, say your cousin or sister's uncle's brother! Go fourth, spread your words!

It seems those dying to know who has the treasure and what it is have been taking things too far. Time to step up, Congeries! Let's lend a hand to those in need and assist them in repairing their damaged homes and shops. How unfortunate for the innocent to be looted and plundered, all in the name of a treasure those at fault so selfishly crave. With our repairs, getting in a second time will prove difficult.

You sense it too, do you not? A chill in the air amidst the island heat, a melancholic call from the distant seas, a shadow in the night that warps and twists like a monster ready to devour the island... something is afoot, something big. And these sensations, they all resonate from the treasure, yes? Whatever it is is unknown, whoever has it more so. We cannot leave this matter unattended; the danger the holder of the treasure poses is far too great for us to ignore. Please find out who has it, quickly. And if necessary, seek the Legion's help. Those soldiers will not dare turn us away in such a desperate time.

Protectors of Soeldei, a threat lurks within the island! You've seen it surface, leaving a mark for all to see: a claim to greatness, a claim to the treasure that everyone else has been hoping to find. The problem here is that we know nothing. We don't know who has it, and we don't know his or her motives, let alone what the treasure is and what it actually does. And the longer we remain ignorant, the greater this threat grows. So we must act swiftly. Should you feel the need to collaborate with the Hierophance, by all means, do so. This takes priority above all else, soldiers! Onward!

Well, well, well. We got beaten to the treasure, didn't we, ladies and gentlemen? That's right, the treasure, that little X mark on the map! So what are we still lounging around for? Get yourselves in gear and seize that treasure now. Hunt down the lucky islander who walked away with it, use your charms and perhaps a trap or two, or just march in and take it by force - whatever it takes!

Scholars of Soeldei, here is a matter of interest. This "treasure"... if it hasn't caught your attention from day one, surely it must have now? Ah, now you realize that it's not just some mark on a strange map - after all, why would a ruffian brag about it so much if it were but a piece of filth? Well, then! Search the library, talk to the island elders; just learn all that you can about this mysterious little treasure. Because it may not be so little, after all.


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