→ [01] UPDATES

Dec 17, 2008 11:35

This post includes:

→ Announcement of the change log
→ Updates to the peer voting ratio
→ Clarification of the arrival process and journals
→ Opening of city census post

Change Log

As previously announced, the staff has implemented a Change Log to brief players on any and all changes made to the game content. We hope this will be informative and helpful for both existing and new players to bring them up to speed at any changes at a glance. Changes will be summarized, but any major updates can also be found by watching this community for posts exactly like this one. The link for the Change Log can be found in the Site Map.

Peer Voting

Due to the huge turnout accomplished in the first two days of play, the staff would like to inform the players of an update to the voting process. We didn't expect to need this update for at least a few weeks, but we're happy to announce an increase in the required votes for an approval, moving from 3 YES to 4 YES.

The purpose of peer voting is to strike a balance between representing a majority of players and still keeping the requirements for approval fluid and expedient. We want the votes to reflect the player's opinions, but not make the process so drawn out and tedious that it becomes a turn off to the game.

Currently the ratio we will be employing is 10%+1. This translates to 10% of the playerbase, plus one additional vote. Since we have (at present) 31 players (you blew our expectations out of the water!!) that means the 3 votes to represent the 30 players, plus an additional vote to balance the difference above 30 but below 40. When we reach 40 players, we'll need 5 votes, and at 50 players the ratio will become (10%+2) to keep up with the majority.

If you have any questions about this or any part of the voting system, please do not hesitate to ask them.

Arrival and Journals

A better explanation of the arrival package given to characters has been added to the Game Guide, as well as a better explanation of the journals and their capabilities.

City Census

As an addition to your character's information, there is a City Census post where players can detail their characters' jobs, living arrangements, and roommates along with any other pertinent information that would typically be known about a citizen. This is an optional post and is not required to be filled out, however we hope players will take advantage of it and enjoy the opportunities for interaction it will provide. The link for the City Census can be found in the Site Map.


Additionally we have a new layout in all the communities!

!updates, !announcement, !staff note

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