Banausos → Guild Roster

Nov 09, 2008 16:52

The eight factions of Soeldei represent many aspects of every city's substance. Each faction has three member levels, these being: initiate, associate, and adept. At the head of each faction is the guildmaster, and the eight guildmasters comprise the Soel Aulic which is the governmental body of Soeldei.

ζ faction information

→ Crest Symbol: Golden Trumpets
→ Tenants: Materialism, wealth

The Banausos are made up primarily of merchants and traders. They tend to be well-off and very business savvy. Although not necessarily always greedy, many of the Banausos faction believe that money and trade are the foundations of civilization and that they are responsible for the flow of wealth through the city. Many of them own or sponsor stores and shops throughout the city and are willing to loan money to newcomers.

ζ guild roster

→ character name • journal

→ character name • journal

→ character name • journal

ζ previous scenarios

See the current factions status on the Scenario page.

→ 05/16/09 - 05/31/09
→ The city is not proving to be the safest place right now. It's not just the attack on the Apostello that is worrisome, but what some people here might do while taking advantage of that first attack. Be sure your own property is secure. Make it impossible for anyone to steal from you. The cost of hiring workmen for this shouldn't be a worry. The more people you have working on their own projects for protecting your assets, the less likely anyone can get through all of them, after all.

→ 05/01/09 - 05/15/09
→ With the bountiful supply from the sea and the early harvests from the land, there is a lot of profit to be made. Make sure you get your share. Be out there talking to the farmers and fishermen, making as many good deals as you can. Look to the future, as well: contacts you make now will certainly be more likely to deal with you again next year.

→ 04/16/09 - 04/30/09
→ Your stores should be more closely guarded, Banausos. If they were, such a thing wouldn't have happened! As skilled merchants, you should know better than to leave your establishments unprotected, but seeing as such precautions were not taken, your shops were torn apart by those desperate to find the finder of the treasure. They will stop at nothing until they find it! Do not look yet yourselves, Banausos. See to your shops first.

→ 04/01/09 - 04/15/09
→ The Banausos are the primary money managers for the city, and no one wants the city to become strapped for cash, which impacts everyone. Every soel counts! One of the biggest draws on the island's budget are the public housing because they are free. Perform an informal census on the people using the open villas in the Anaxios, Psilos, and Mesos districts as well as the hostel, and make sure they're contributing to society.

→ 03/16/09 - 03/31/09
→ The only treasure worth drawing a map to is the traditional gold or jewels kind. Whatever the map leads to, it is probably expensive. News has filtered down that those high up in the faction would like to gain hold of the treasure. If you find it for them, you’re likely to both get part of the profits the treasure brings and some acknowledgment within the faction for your efforts. So get out there and look for it!

→ 03/01/09 - 03/15/09
→ Watch out, Banausos, for everyone knows about the greedy, thieving hands of pirates. They're going to be after your goods, so be on guard! Don't let them near your wears and take extra precautions to prevent your establishments from being burglarized and keep an eye on your goods. Catch someone in the act? Take action yourself and turn them into the Legion. Such an injustice like stealing will not be tolerated.

→ 02/16/09 - 02/28/09
→ Attention members of the Banausos faction! Now that the hurricane and the torrential winds and rain that came with it have come and gone, it's time to make sure that none of the goods being brought in by ship and stored on the island were lost to the storm. Also try and see if there's anything from any of the shipwrecks worth saving. Sometimes the smallest of items can be salvaged.

→ 02/01/09 - 02/15/09
→ Many of the supplies the traders would normally bring in by ship are unable to reach the island because of the storms. Due to this, the people of Soeldei are out of many every day necessities. Take advantage of this opportunity, Banausos! Time to break into your reserves and start making sales and trades. The people are desperate. Name your price, they'll more than likely buy, no matter the expense.

→ 01/16/09 - 01/31/09
→ Though the winter weather means less reliable shipments, with the coming of such an important holiday, it is your task to ensure that the celebration is well supplied. There is much demand from the other factions as they look to their own tasks in holiday preparation and it would not do for the revelers to feel there is a lack of anything come celebration time.

→ 01/01/09 - 01/15/09
→ While the new arrivals pour onto the island, watching the docks for the new merchandise would be the wise action of an eager merchant, ready and willing to introduce something bold to Soeldei. These people come from many different places, and so too do the things they bring; being the first to put it in market is the intention here. What will they find amongst the boxes and barrels, and will they sell?

→ 12/15/08 - 12/29/08
→ This faction is feeling anticipation running strong, as the ships dock day after day into the harbour, bringing with them fine goods to offload. The next few months ahead will be lean in the trading business as fewer merchants wish to brave the fierce storms which spring up in late winter and early spring. They're counting every soel, and maybe adjusting market prices just a little to pad their pockets. Will they get caught?

s o e l d e i → a panfandom roleplay game

!! guild roster, !! banausos

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