Congeries → Guild Roster

Nov 09, 2008 17:07

The eight factions of Soeldei represent many aspects of every city's substance. Each faction has three member levels, these being: initiate, associate, and adept. At the head of each faction is the guildmaster, and the eight guildmasters comprise the Soel Aulic which is the governmental body of Soeldei.

ζ faction information

→ Crest Symbol: Hammer and bricks
→ Tenants: Labour, personal strength

The Congeries are the backbone of Soeldei, a union of craftsmen, workers and builders which keep the city functioning. They are widely regarded as the most honest faction, and only the most foolish treat their works as anything less than essential. They eagerly welcome new faction members and almost always help support those who are struggling for whatever reason.

ζ guild roster

→ character name • journal

→ character name • journal

→ Asakura Yoh • yowhatsup
→ Megara • rottenjudgment
→ Son Gohan • hybridsaviour
→ Tifa Lockhart • heartofheaven

ζ previous scenarios

See the current factions status on the Scenario page.

→ 05/16/09 - 05/31/09
→ People on the island no longer feel safe in their own homes, and the call for personal fortifications has tripled. As the craftsfolk of Soeldei, Congeries members can expect to be commissioned for many types of locks, fences and barricades, and people in their fear will pay high prices for their peace of mind and personal safety. It's honest work and it should be capitalized upon for the good of everyone.

→ 05/01/09 - 05/15/09
→ Everything is going according to plan, Congeries! Now, don't do anything that would give it all away, but it's not like anyone would believe it, anyway. We have nothing to gain in having done this. Instead, make offers to help with whatever you can as we would in any other situation and go about your business as usual. Watch and listen, but otherwise, don't do anything that would clue anyone in.

→ 04/16/09 - 04/30/09
→ It seems those dying to know who has the treasure and what it is have been taking things too far. Time to step up, Congeries! Let's lend a hand to those in need and assist them in repairing their damaged homes and shops. How unfortunate for the innocent to be looted and plundered, all in the name of a treasure those at fault so selfishly crave. With our repairs, getting in a second time will prove difficult.

→ 04/01/09 - 04/15/09
→ The voice of the people is where the strength of the Congeries lay. The Council acknowledges that it is not always in touch with the common inhabitant of the island and may not understand their needs. Talk to the people living around you; what is it they need to make themselves happy, prosperous, and ready to serve the Council's bidding. The upcoming weeks will be filled with these projects.

→ 03/16/09 - 03/31/09
→ This possible treasure is intriguing, but it shouldn’t be put before projects you’ve already started. Goods you promised to produce, buildings you’ve been reconstructing or refurbishing, or anything else you may have already been working on shouldn’t be put aside to follow rumors. That doesn’t mean your skills might not be called upon by someone hunting the treasure, so if they are, help.

→ 03/01/09 - 03/15/09
→ While the pirates might like their holiday on the island, the people already living on it do not want the pirates to stay past their welcome. Use the skills your famed for, Congeries members, to lend a hand in repairing the pirates' damaged ship. This may not seem like the most self-pleasing of tasks, but keep this in mind: the quicker their ship is fixed, the quicker they will leave the island.

→ 02/16/09 - 02/28/09
→ As it is after any sort of destructive natural disaster, there is going to be a lot of debris cluttering the island in the aftermath of the hurricane, making it appear to be more of a waste yard than a place of refuge and new beginnings. It's up to you, Congeries members, to clean up the island, getting rid of all the mess in order to restore Soeldei to it's former beauty and appeal.

→ 02/01/09 - 02/15/09
→ The rains that have been plaguing the island have damaged more than just the spirits of the people living here - it damaged many of the buildings, as well. Water damage from rains and flooding is apparent in many of the structures and in desperate need of fixing. It's up to the members of the Congeries faction to step up and make repairs in order to prevent such buildings from becoming dangerous to dwell in.

→ 01/16/09 - 01/31/09
→ There are many preparations to be made for the coming holiday, not least of which includes setting up and decorating the hall. Every craftsperson is needed in this endeavor. Everyone has a skill fitting for this task, and all members of the faction are needed to make sure things get set up without a hitch. A party in a bare and empty hall would hardly do for such an occasion.

→ 01/01/09 - 01/15/09
→ Tis the season for new beginnings, and for these craftspeople, it means giving the city herself a fresh coat of paint. You can't have the new arrivals see a poorly paved street, or let the city hall roof continue leaking. Now is the time to repair what needs fixing and give the city a bright new start.

→ 12/15/08 - 12/29/08
→ The colder months are a time of great satisfaction for the Congeries faction, reflecting on the accomplishments of the past year and taking the time work on their own projects. With fewer ships arriving, many choose to repair or take on hired work from the citizens. Some even run their own enterprises on the side, a more than profitable undertaking. Still they are a force keenly felt within the city and command much deference.

s o e l d e i → a panfandom roleplay game

!! congeries, !! guild roster

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