→ character information Series: Earl and Fairy Name: Kelpie (sometimes goes by Cain) Age: Looks to be in his mid-twenties, but is at least a couple hundred years old Gender: Male Appearance: Kelpie comes with two appearances. In his true form, he looks to be a giant black horse. This is no surprise, seeing as how his name tells exactly what he is. A Kelpie is a water sprite known for giving rides to people and drowning them. This form is the first shape which people see when Kelpie emerges from the water. The observant person might notice a blue glow about Kelpie, and a keen intelligence in his eyes that would warn them that this is no ordinary horse.
Once out of the water, Kelpie is free to take on his other (human) shape. In contrast to his muscular equine form, Kelpie has the lithe build of a dancer as a man. To best show off his body, Kelpie wears a high-collared blue lace-up shirt that is left a little open towards the top, and tight black pants. Although Kelpie's hair is short, it curls out in a wild mop, looking almost as if he's been out running. Kelpie's least human feature, however, would be his eyes. The irises are as black as his hair, but the pupils are white. If anyone stood closely enough to get a good look in Kelpie's eyes, they would find that the pupils looked to be a swirl reminiscent of a miniature galaxy.
Personality: For a water spirit, Kelpie is rather hot-headed. His temper flares at the slightest provocation. Being an Unseelie fairy means that Kelpie is part of the dark fairy court (yes, the bad fairies). Therefore, Kelpie's conscience would have no qualms about taking out his temper on others in a lethal manner which would give him a nice meal. However, because he's in love with a human woman, he's sworn not to eat people. Thus it's best to avoid that temptation and not kill anyone.
Kelpie also tends to be the act first and ask questions later sort. If he wants a fight, he fights. If he wants to mate, he mates. If he decides he wants to marry, he looks for a bride. Or he'll at least make the attempt. Once he gets it in his head to do something, Kelpie is going to do it. Much of what humans do puzzles Kelpie. He takes a fairly simple approach to life, and doesn't always understand why humans can't do the same.
Kelpie's demanding arrogance can easily lead one to believe that he's rather like a spoiled child. He has no respect for titles and will turn the brunt of his forceful personality towards anyone, be they noble or peasant.
Particulars: Since his natural form is a horse, Kelpie owns nothing but the clothes on his back. He does, however, come with a heaping helping of magic. His most obvious ability is changing his shape between human and horse. Kelpie can also breathe underwater and walk on water. He is capable of casting minor illusions, although they don't last for long - such as making a pebble appear to be a ring. Kelpie's most useful ability lies in his blood. His blood can be used to cure almost any poison, although it loses its potency when exposed to air.
Being a fairy comes with a downside as well. Iron and religious iconography (bibles, crosses, etc.) are anathema to Kelpie.
Re: Kelpie [Earl and Fairy]lacey5480December 1 2008, 05:04:32 UTC
Canon History: For much of his life, Kelpie has been an unremarkable sort of kelpie. He did kelpie-ish things. This includes giving people wild rides that end in drowning. Afterwards, he would chow down on the remains - everything except for the liver, that is. Livers simply don't get along with a kelpie's digestive system.
As decade after decade passed, belief in fairies declined, and fewer humans could see the fairies. That was when Kelpie stumbled across Lydia Carlton, a young fairy doctor. Kelpie took to the notion of marrying this young lady, although his feelings ran more towards a sort of possessive fondness rather than actual love.
Fortunately for Lydia (and unfortunately for Kelpie), Lydia knew a charm to make the fairy back off. The gist of the charm was that she wouldn't consider marriage with Kelpie until he gave her the moon. Since this is deemed an impossible task, the amorous fairy has no choice but to back off.
Some time later, Lydia was whisked off by a young man on a quest to become the Blue Knight Earl. Once he succeeded, the fairy queen sent out a small sprite with a ring to give to the man - a moonstone that waxes and wanes just like the real moon. The sprite, however, encountered Kelpie first. He stole the ring from her and traveled to London to give it to Lydia.
However, getting the ring onto Lydia's finger proved problematic. Kelpie tried to grab her hand and force the ring on. A young artist joined on on this tussle, trying to make Kelpie leave Lydia alone, and the ring - much to Kelpie's chagrin - wound up on his finger. The ring apparently wouldn't come off, and Lydia wouldn't let Kelpie chew the artist's finger off to get the ring back.
When the Blue Knight Earl is poisoned, Lydia goes to Kelpie for the cure. Since he won't help without a price, she says that she'll go back to the fairy world with him. When the Blue Knight Earl learns of the price Lydia paid to heal him, he gets the ring back from the artist and goes to the fairy world to bring Lydia home. When Lydia accepts the ring from the Blue Knight Earl, Kelpie has to relinquish his claim on her and allow her to return to the human world.
→ deviations Crux: When Edgar gives Lydia the moonstone ring and gets her pledge to wed him, Kelpie decides to end his pursuit of Lydia. Kelpie has failed to give Lydia the moon, and acknowledges his defeat.
Tangent: Kelpie sticks around for a while longer, trying to content himself with a sort of big brother role for Lydia. But watching Lydia and Edgar grow closer and closer sticks in his craw. It gets to the point where he can no longer stand it, and so he goes back to Scotland where he falls into a proper fairy sulk.
Kelpie wanders the land, and starts hearing rumors on his travels about an island where people can start over. Since he finds no joy in the fairy world or in Scotland, Kelpie decides that he might as well try an entirely different change of scenery. He's a sprite with nothing to lose, after all.
Allegiance: Mafioso Reason: Being an Unseelie fairy, Kelpie is used to treachery. He's prone to violence, and is most concerned with his own ends rather than right or wrong. Thus he would fit neither the Legion nor the Cabal.
While Kelpie is a magical creature, he could never be comfortable around the religious undertones of the Hierophance. Nor does Kelpie care much for the emphasis on intellect of the Virtuoso. He doesn't have the work ethic for the Congeries. And Kelpie could care less about matieral goods or status.
Thus the Mafioso is the best fit for this somewhat violent, blockheaded aquatic horse.
Re: Kelpie [Earl and Fairy]lacey5480December 1 2008, 05:05:02 UTC
→ sample Kitchens were nice places. Delicious, enticing smells were everywhere, along with equally delicious and enticing food. Edgar's kitchen proved no different, for his cook tended to make sure things ran like clockwork.
Except at the moment the cook wasn't around. The poor woman had good survival instincts, and tended to think of something she needed from the market as soon as possible whenever Kelpie dropped in. While Kelpie had sworn off people, he still had the air of a predator about him, no matter what form he wore. Being alone in the kitchen suited Kelpie perfectly fine. It gave him the chance to sample the steak meant for Edgar's supper while it was still deliciously raw and bleeding. He would never see why humans needed to cook perfectly good meat.
A knock interrupted Kelpie's pilfered meal. The fairy cast a vaguely annoyed look at the servant's entrance, but went to chase off whatever human might be deciding to pay a call. However, Kelpie saw no one until he looked down. At his feet was a basket and a stack of bills. Kelpie gave the money only the briefest of glances before disregarding it. Giving value to worthless bits of paper was another human oddity that he didn't try to comprehend. What good was money? It couldn't be eaten.
The thing in the basket however, was another matter. Kelpie lifted out the baby and tried not to lick his chops. No doubt it would be delightfully tender and delicious. Babies weren't normally tricked into a wild ride, so it had been quite a few years since Kelpie had tasted one. Kelpie's small conscience gave a vague twinge. He had sworn off humans to appease Lydia, so he shouldn't eat this one. On the other hoof, if the humans were going to leave a perfectly tasty baby lying on the doorstep, why shouldn't he eat it? It was obviously unwanted leftovers, and Kelpie knew how to deal with leftovers.
Kelpie carried the baby inside, pushing aside the steak so that he could set the baby on the counter. As he leaned down to take that first anticipated bite, an unpleasant scent wafted up from little Leftovers and Kelpie quickly drew back, his sensitive nose crinkling in disgust. With this sort of olfactory assault in his arsenal, it was no wonder someone had put Leftovers out.
“Humans!” Kelpie grumbled to himself as he began peeling off Leftovers's soiled diaper. “There's a reason we drown you first. It gets you nice and clean. I'm not some backwoods hobgoblin that would be content to eat you as is. I have standards.” Leftovers burbled and waved his arms at Kelpie.
“Kelpie! What are you doing?”
Kelpie whirled around at the sound of his name. His dark eyes flashed annoyance briefly, but he quickly hid it behind a charming smile. He had to put on his best face for the woman he loved. “Ah, Lydia! It was right outside. I brought it in to clean it.”
Lydia eyed Kelpie suspiciously as she approached. She had no fear of the fairy because he couldn't marry her if he ate her, and both she and Kelpie knew this. Indeed, Kelpie backed off from Leftovers, allowing Lydia to place herself between the aquatic horse and the light snack. “You were going to eat him, weren't you?” came her sharp-tongued accusation.
Being a fairy, Kelpie couldn't outright lie. He cast about quickly for a half-truth that would sound like a denial. “Leftovers smells too much. He's an appetite killer.” As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Kelpie realized that they were the wrong ones. Lydia pulled back and cracked a resounding slap across Kelpie's face.
Kelpie, for once, held his tongue as Lydia grabbed the infant and hurried out of the kitchen. When the door shut behind Lydia, Kelpie turned his attention back to the steak. “Women are violent,” he told it. “Be glad you don't have to deal with them anymore.”
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Player Name: Lacey
Player LJ: lacey5480
Proposed Character LJ: unseelie_horse
→ character information
Series: Earl and Fairy
Name: Kelpie (sometimes goes by Cain)
Age: Looks to be in his mid-twenties, but is at least a couple hundred years old
Gender: Male
Kelpie comes with two appearances. In his true form, he looks to be a giant black horse. This is no surprise, seeing as how his name tells exactly what he is. A Kelpie is a water sprite known for giving rides to people and drowning them. This form is the first shape which people see when Kelpie emerges from the water. The observant person might notice a blue glow about Kelpie, and a keen intelligence in his eyes that would warn them that this is no ordinary horse.
Once out of the water, Kelpie is free to take on his other (human) shape. In contrast to his muscular equine form, Kelpie has the lithe build of a dancer as a man. To best show off his body, Kelpie wears a high-collared blue lace-up shirt that is left a little open towards the top, and tight black pants. Although Kelpie's hair is short, it curls out in a wild mop, looking almost as if he's been out running. Kelpie's least human feature, however, would be his eyes. The irises are as black as his hair, but the pupils are white. If anyone stood closely enough to get a good look in Kelpie's eyes, they would find that the pupils looked to be a swirl reminiscent of a miniature galaxy.
For a water spirit, Kelpie is rather hot-headed. His temper flares at the slightest provocation. Being an Unseelie fairy means that Kelpie is part of the dark fairy court (yes, the bad fairies). Therefore, Kelpie's conscience would have no qualms about taking out his temper on others in a lethal manner which would give him a nice meal. However, because he's in love with a human woman, he's sworn not to eat people. Thus it's best to avoid that temptation and not kill anyone.
Kelpie also tends to be the act first and ask questions later sort. If he wants a fight, he fights. If he wants to mate, he mates. If he decides he wants to marry, he looks for a bride. Or he'll at least make the attempt. Once he gets it in his head to do something, Kelpie is going to do it. Much of what humans do puzzles Kelpie. He takes a fairly simple approach to life, and doesn't always understand why humans can't do the same.
Kelpie's demanding arrogance can easily lead one to believe that he's rather like a spoiled child. He has no respect for titles and will turn the brunt of his forceful personality towards anyone, be they noble or peasant.
Particulars: Since his natural form is a horse, Kelpie owns nothing but the clothes on his back. He does, however, come with a heaping helping of magic. His most obvious ability is changing his shape between human and horse. Kelpie can also breathe underwater and walk on water. He is capable of casting minor illusions, although they don't last for long - such as making a pebble appear to be a ring. Kelpie's most useful ability lies in his blood. His blood can be used to cure almost any poison, although it loses its potency when exposed to air.
Being a fairy comes with a downside as well. Iron and religious iconography (bibles, crosses, etc.) are anathema to Kelpie.
As decade after decade passed, belief in fairies declined, and fewer humans could see the fairies. That was when Kelpie stumbled across Lydia Carlton, a young fairy doctor. Kelpie took to the notion of marrying this young lady, although his feelings ran more towards a sort of possessive fondness rather than actual love.
Fortunately for Lydia (and unfortunately for Kelpie), Lydia knew a charm to make the fairy back off. The gist of the charm was that she wouldn't consider marriage with Kelpie until he gave her the moon. Since this is deemed an impossible task, the amorous fairy has no choice but to back off.
Some time later, Lydia was whisked off by a young man on a quest to become the Blue Knight Earl. Once he succeeded, the fairy queen sent out a small sprite with a ring to give to the man - a moonstone that waxes and wanes just like the real moon. The sprite, however, encountered Kelpie first. He stole the ring from her and traveled to London to give it to Lydia.
However, getting the ring onto Lydia's finger proved problematic. Kelpie tried to grab her hand and force the ring on. A young artist joined on on this tussle, trying to make Kelpie leave Lydia alone, and the ring - much to Kelpie's chagrin - wound up on his finger. The ring apparently wouldn't come off, and Lydia wouldn't let Kelpie chew the artist's finger off to get the ring back.
When the Blue Knight Earl is poisoned, Lydia goes to Kelpie for the cure. Since he won't help without a price, she says that she'll go back to the fairy world with him. When the Blue Knight Earl learns of the price Lydia paid to heal him, he gets the ring back from the artist and goes to the fairy world to bring Lydia home. When Lydia accepts the ring from the Blue Knight Earl, Kelpie has to relinquish his claim on her and allow her to return to the human world.
→ deviations
Crux: When Edgar gives Lydia the moonstone ring and gets her pledge to wed him, Kelpie decides to end his pursuit of Lydia. Kelpie has failed to give Lydia the moon, and acknowledges his defeat.
Tangent: Kelpie sticks around for a while longer, trying to content himself with a sort of big brother role for Lydia. But watching Lydia and Edgar grow closer and closer sticks in his craw. It gets to the point where he can no longer stand it, and so he goes back to Scotland where he falls into a proper fairy sulk.
Kelpie wanders the land, and starts hearing rumors on his travels about an island where people can start over. Since he finds no joy in the fairy world or in Scotland, Kelpie decides that he might as well try an entirely different change of scenery. He's a sprite with nothing to lose, after all.
Allegiance: Mafioso
Reason: Being an Unseelie fairy, Kelpie is used to treachery. He's prone to violence, and is most concerned with his own ends rather than right or wrong. Thus he would fit neither the Legion nor the Cabal.
While Kelpie is a magical creature, he could never be comfortable around the religious undertones of the Hierophance. Nor does Kelpie care much for the emphasis on intellect of the Virtuoso. He doesn't have the work ethic for the Congeries. And Kelpie could care less about matieral goods or status.
Thus the Mafioso is the best fit for this somewhat violent, blockheaded aquatic horse.
Kitchens were nice places. Delicious, enticing smells were everywhere, along with equally delicious and enticing food. Edgar's kitchen proved no different, for his cook tended to make sure things ran like clockwork.
Except at the moment the cook wasn't around. The poor woman had good survival instincts, and tended to think of something she needed from the market as soon as possible whenever Kelpie dropped in. While Kelpie had sworn off people, he still had the air of a predator about him, no matter what form he wore. Being alone in the kitchen suited Kelpie perfectly fine. It gave him the chance to sample the steak meant for Edgar's supper while it was still deliciously raw and bleeding. He would never see why humans needed to cook perfectly good meat.
A knock interrupted Kelpie's pilfered meal. The fairy cast a vaguely annoyed look at the servant's entrance, but went to chase off whatever human might be deciding to pay a call. However, Kelpie saw no one until he looked down. At his feet was a basket and a stack of bills. Kelpie gave the money only the briefest of glances before disregarding it. Giving value to worthless bits of paper was another human oddity that he didn't try to comprehend. What good was money? It couldn't be eaten.
The thing in the basket however, was another matter. Kelpie lifted out the baby and tried not to lick his chops. No doubt it would be delightfully tender and delicious. Babies weren't normally tricked into a wild ride, so it had been quite a few years since Kelpie had tasted one. Kelpie's small conscience gave a vague twinge. He had sworn off humans to appease Lydia, so he shouldn't eat this one. On the other hoof, if the humans were going to leave a perfectly tasty baby lying on the doorstep, why shouldn't he eat it? It was obviously unwanted leftovers, and Kelpie knew how to deal with leftovers.
Kelpie carried the baby inside, pushing aside the steak so that he could set the baby on the counter. As he leaned down to take that first anticipated bite, an unpleasant scent wafted up from little Leftovers and Kelpie quickly drew back, his sensitive nose crinkling in disgust. With this sort of olfactory assault in his arsenal, it was no wonder someone had put Leftovers out.
“Humans!” Kelpie grumbled to himself as he began peeling off Leftovers's soiled diaper. “There's a reason we drown you first. It gets you nice and clean. I'm not some backwoods hobgoblin that would be content to eat you as is. I have standards.” Leftovers burbled and waved his arms at Kelpie.
“Kelpie! What are you doing?”
Kelpie whirled around at the sound of his name. His dark eyes flashed annoyance briefly, but he quickly hid it behind a charming smile. He had to put on his best face for the woman he loved. “Ah, Lydia! It was right outside. I brought it in to clean it.”
Lydia eyed Kelpie suspiciously as she approached. She had no fear of the fairy because he couldn't marry her if he ate her, and both she and Kelpie knew this. Indeed, Kelpie backed off from Leftovers, allowing Lydia to place herself between the aquatic horse and the light snack. “You were going to eat him, weren't you?” came her sharp-tongued accusation.
Being a fairy, Kelpie couldn't outright lie. He cast about quickly for a half-truth that would sound like a denial. “Leftovers smells too much. He's an appetite killer.” As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Kelpie realized that they were the wrong ones. Lydia pulled back and cracked a resounding slap across Kelpie's face.
Kelpie, for once, held his tongue as Lydia grabbed the infant and hurried out of the kitchen. When the door shut behind Lydia, Kelpie turned his attention back to the steak. “Women are violent,” he told it. “Be glad you don't have to deal with them anymore.”
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