dear internet friends: make a decision for me

Jan 27, 2010 14:10

okay guys i need input here. i'm trying to decide between two apartments.

the FIRST:,+Austin,+TX+78704&gl=us&ei=65pgS7CjComaMpvsmdcD&ved=0CAkQ8gEwAA&geocode=FQhkzQEdIFEs-g&split=0
is on wilson st. it's like 3 blocks west of congress, two blocks south of oltorf. so really close to: my office, hwy 71 (which is how i get to my teaching and tutoring gigs), and all the cool shit around south congress and south 1st. like, walkable/bikeable distance. it's a little building with like 10 apartments, and the apartment is kind of adorable, with wooden floors and big windows and a pink bathroom and did i mention wooden floors? maybe not the safest neighborhood, but it's very residential (with kids 'n shit!) for a few blocks' radius. i would let the magician out there, there's trees and grass and a field next to the complex, but i would probably worry about him pretty much all the time. rent's $495. leasing agent has a british accent.

it's a little farther away from my office/cool shit, but closer to 71. it's more secluded, with trees and things around, and i would worry about the cat a lot less, which is pretty much the main reason i might pick it. however, it's almost creepily secluded, and not in a happy vibrant are of 78704. the unit itself is a little small so i'd have to chuck some furniture, but it's also pretty cute (no wood floors) and has a sweet balcony and a bigger closet. the rent is $525.

my boss says go with the cooler neighborhood, no question. kim says she's very persuaded by the pool at option number 2, but i've never really been a fan of apartment pools. she also ultimately says go with the cheaper one, because kim is ever the pragmatist. really the only thing drawing me to number 2 is that it might be a better place for the magician.

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