August Agenda

Aug 06, 2017 14:45

I have decided that I shall not attend the 75th World Science-Fiction Convention in Helsink, Finnland. Moreover, I shal decline voting on this year's HUGO Awards.

This month I look forward to scheduling a test drive somewhere in a Tesla Model 3 and asking lots of stupid questions about owning an electric car in New York City, whether I can fford to or not.

I expect to atttend most of the usual Friday evening  dinners, with or without otherdeb

I'd like to se a couple of movies (preferably during the same stay at {MULTIPLEX OF CHOICE} and to take at least one long walk, destination pending. Ft. Tryon Park is my everyday, sso that's out.  Maybe Riverside Drive by Columbia University. Love he sidewlks.

My father's birthday is August 11th, so I plan to stay as far away from his last known address, a Yonkers, NY nursing home, as possible.  However, this shall not include Finnland, which is outside of both my juisdictioal and economic ranges right now.

And I shall write,  hopefullly book-length materiall not even slightly involved with LiveJournalI, that and make periodic enties of Yal Dawo words, whenever possible, at

E.g.: breakfast :: Hajëd (n., acc.1) Lit. “early meal”.

Next year, at Boskone I plan to celebrate my 42nd Fannish birthday. (#42!)  I shared an impromptu fannish panel at Con Suite for my 40th Birhday last year.   This Friday I had a rice bowl at PokeVillage on East 14th St. I walked away looking for more. I walked Cindy Cascante to the  Union Square subway station, then walked my Adrienne to 8th vanue--then home, to imaaginary sex.
Isn't that the way every good story should end?

©2017 ARIEL CINII. All rights reserved.

This work was Produced Under The Incluence To Influence Others Positively (PUTITIOP). Kimchi works really well with instant mashed potato mix. Vena Hajëd (Good Breakfast.)

putitiop, #42, home

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