My New Economy

Nov 04, 2013 15:30

As feared and predicted, my pretty good first half of 2013 is balancing out with a relatively empty second half. I've managed two months of time to myself during a downright pleasant summer, and then I bought the Mobile after wasting time & money on, though I didn't manage the planned iPad®,and I had a better Fall than I thought I'd get. But now comes the tough part: Catman is going to be put to pasture (retirement) due to his hospitalisation. This means cash will be problematic until he starts receiving SS payments around January.

I've already paid November's rent & electric bill, and w/ careful spending I'll be able to manage Philcon. I really want to goto the Last Darkover on Thanksgiving weekend BUT December's rent will be due the following Monday. I'll probably have to pass on the Generic Winter Holiday season this time around, but I'm hoping the roommate's timing works out so I can attend Arisia. Until then I shall continue on an austerity budget, keep writing, work on the Translator Algorythm and wait to exhale.

All I need are a few thousand folks to buy copies of The Family Forge & The Organized Seer, available on and Kindle, and The Touching Lands' Dance, which I shall try to put out in hard copy on Amazon around Thanksgiving.

money, writing, roommates

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