Ugh, I just spent the past hour trying to kill a big ass fucking spider. It was unpleasant. I still have the heebie-jeebies. lkjasdfja And I've been seeing a few smaller baby spiders running around when I vacuum behind the couch and stuff so I wonder if that thing was their mother. Goddess, I hope they don't try to take vengeance on their mother.
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OH! It's an online manhwa! Well, it's also being published now, but it started off as an online thing. Easy Going Scan is currently doing the scanlations for it. Basically, it's about this "vampire" (you get more of why that's in quotations later on in the story) who woke up after 820 years of hibernation and he finds his bishie servant who enrolls him in his school and then they start taking in other bishies to create a household full of bishies. XD You know, it's not that it's particularly original, but it takes all these unoriginal elements (basic shounen stuff: soul weapons, battles, clans, sly villains, power ups but these I think are done pretty well unlike KHR! or BLEACH where it becomes pretty ridiculous) and makes something completely enjoyable and completely addicting. It just strikes the right note, at least for me anyway. XD
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