Jeanette and i went to watch 28 Weeks Later on Thursday. The midnight showing (so technically it was Friday then). It was alright. i enjoyed it, but not as much as it's predecessor.
You know what pisses me off? When women tell their husbands/boyfriends/brothers/fathers/males, "do something," during critical situations. What the fuck, woman??? Does having a vagina make you incompetent or weak??? 'Cause let me tell YOU, lady, i have one and in no way does it make me less capable. Get off your ass and do something yourself. Why the hell do you need to stand behind some fucker with a piece of flesh hanging between his legs for protection? Or turn to him for answers??? C'mon now! You've got arms, legs, and a brain too. Use them for fuck's sake. It isn't that hard. i mean, don't get me wrong if someone else has a better idea of how to handle a bad situation, then go with THEIR idea, regardless of gender. But it just pisses me off that there's a lot of women who automatically turn to men to fix everything. Like they can't help them-fucking-selves. Like men will magically make everything better. It's so stupid. i bring this up because at the beginning of the movie the wife did this to her husband. She dug her own grave and then wanted him to dig her the fuck out. Not only is that unfair to the guy it's so insulting and demeaning to her and our gender. It's so aggravating.
i loved Selena in 28 Days Later. When she, basically, hacked her partner to pieces because he had become infected is one of my favourite parts of the movie. i loved her for it. Not because she was violent but because she did what had to be done without getting unnecessarily sentimental. Without crying and getting absolutely, annoyingly emotional over something that would not change no matter how many misplaced tears she shed. Like i said, she did what had to be done and she did it herself. Now that's my type of woman. X3
On another note, there were previews for a Naruto movie!!!! My sis and i were sitting there chatting away, killing time while the movie began, when we saw the VIZ Media logo come on and instantly, as well as simultaneously, we shut the fuck up. lol We knew something we would like was gonna come on. And there it was a Naruto movie preview. XDDD It's gonna be hitting "select theatres" on June 6th or was it the 4th? Well, either way, YAY~~!!! XDDD i hope it's the same as FMA and it comes to my town. We're excited~~~!! Even though, some fans might not be as excited *coughcough*
sukobot*coughcough* =P XDDD. Nah, i'm just yanking your chain, darling. X3 ::is really a bitch in cute clothing:: lol Nah, not really. XD
There was also a preview for Resident Evil 3. Hooray~~!!! Now, i'm actually excited about going to the movies this summer. lol Man, i love Milla Jovovich. She's so pretty and i always love the characters she plays. She's got the dominatrix role down well. lol i still need to watch Ultraviolet. Gah, what is it about a woman running around in an awesome catsuit, kicking ass, and killing things. If you didn't know any better, you'd think i was a guy. lol *headdesk*
And i swear, one day i'll actually get around to starting with my GANTZ
daily_icon challenge. Goddess, i love that series. i don't know how many times i screeched to myself, "Oh my fucking goddess! Oh my fucking goddess!!! Shit hath hit the fan!!!" or "Holy Shit! Holy Shit!!! Holy Shit in a goddamn basket!!!!" And, oh my goddess, Kei!!! What the fuck?!?!?!?! WHY?!?!?!? And- and- and- Katou!!!! Whaaaat?!?!?! How?!?!?!?! It's just- Goddess, i love this series!!!! I NEED TO FIND A DJ OF KATOU AND KEI!!!! I'M NOT FUCKING AROUND!!!!
Anyway~~ this is a little late but i was wondering... was anyone else confused by Eureka 7's ending???? i thought Renton and Eureka were going back home???? But instead they're hell knows where??? Off in a forest as two blinking lights??? i'm seriously confused! >_<
The weather is so nice outside~~ Rain, a nice breeze, and lotsa thunder. Let's just pray that it doesn't cause the lights to go off for a bit and restart my computer. That's annoying. >I