Deep Thinking Time.... Again

Aug 16, 2003 23:46

I live in a state of perpetual loneliness. Where I am eternally ignored inside my own head and in the real world. I am beginning to learn what it feels like to be eternally forgotten. So I seem a tad melodramatic again, whatever. I am so tempted to either not continue this entry or block it, or something, but since I promised not to block any entries, what so ever a while back and a few entries ago to be honest, well this is where we see if I'm going to be able to keep my promise.

Here goes. My first attempt at being truely honest. I'm beginning to think things, and not exactly flattering ones about anybody, including myself. Well if that wasn't vague then I don't know what is.

Ok, I'm trying again. Once more this time with feeling.
... Bugger this isn't going very well is it. *chews bottom lip* *exhales loudly* *cracks knuckles and tries again* Ok, so I've been doing some thinking on myself, you know. I mean what else is one supposed to do when floating about in the water. I wonder what people see me as, and well that leads to not so pleasant thoughts. Because.... well just because. So I've been thinking that, pehaps, well perhaps people don't like me as much as they seem to. Once again that was vague. So, one more time and this time I'm just spitting it out and hitting post and the wibbling in a corner hoping no one actually reads it. View my low self esteem people!

I've been thinking and well I think that I'm the friend, well the friend who people enjoy when she's around but honestly would have had just as much fun if she wasn't there. The one that's easily forgotten. Then when people have to cut down their lists is the first person to go.

I just honestly wrote that didn't I. I think for the first time in oblivion I'm being honest with people....... I feel like the forgottten friend *clicks post then hides*
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