some stuff and icons.

Mar 26, 2009 13:14

First off: I am sick. :'( Damn effing allergies and asthma. Breathing is not so much happening. At least it made me sleep well, though. I went to sleep at like 1:30-2:00 last night, and usually I wake up a few times in the night and especially in the morning after the sun comes up, but I didn't wake up at all until 11:30 this morning. :D Yay! I needed some good sleep, for once. But now I feel miserable. :'( At least I don't work today, although if I did I would've called in. If I'm still feeling this shitty tomorrow I am calling in. There's no way I could stand there for like 8 hours feeling like this. :'(

Secondly: WHY WON'T THE INTERNET LET ME WATCH 'HOUSE ON FIRE'?!?!?!?!?!?! WHY INTERNET, WHY?!? I THOUGHT WE LOVED EACH OTHER, BUT YOU WOUND ME DEEP. Wait, I just looked, and it's fully "buffered." YAY. BUT WAIT AGAIN. It says it's fully buffered, but it won't play... INTERNET, I HATE YOU!!! >:O

*cries a lot*

Also: new Criminal Minds icons at mah community!! :D :D Yay!



The rest can be found at this location.

icons: criminal minds, epic fail, fail, flail, job, criminal minds, life, rachaeldoesicons

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