(no subject)

Oct 06, 2014 17:00

Howdy y'all. I know I haven't posted on here in a while. How is everyone?? I actually have a favor to ask, and I hate having to ask but I really don't have a choice. Long story short, my grandma died suddenly Wednesday. It was very unexpected and no one was prepared. Now we have to put her to rest, of course, but we have no funds to do so and it is the worst thing in the world. My grandma was an amazing lady who deserves the best possible funeral and celebration of her life we can give her, but unfortunately right now we can give her nothing. Because of this, my sister set up a Go Fund Me to help us pay for the services of the funeral home, so if anyone has anything they would comfortable contributing, I would love you forever and ever and ever. I know I'm never around these days, but I figured me and LJ go way back so why not post it here too. Here's the link to the go fund me. Anything at all would help us immensely. Thanks. <33333
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