this is a post.

Jun 27, 2012 02:34

Also, I'm going to make a post that's not related to me bitching about "real life" things, aka my family, in any way. OMG. Shocking, yes?

So. I've spent the last few days glued to Photoshop, making icons and also graphics that I posted to tumblr. I made a gif, and some larger graphics, and I'm in love with them. But. I just feel like my aesthetic is different than basically everyone else's most of the time. Oops. I get barely any reblogs, which I really don't care about, but then I see some hideous picture/graphic/gif pop up on my dashboard and it's got like 20,000 notes or something. Wat.

Also, icons. I was making them, and trying to use textures and stuff, but then on a lot of them, I'd get to a point where I liked it but then go too far and then it was ugly. Oops. But I feel like the point where I like it is different from other people's. I mean, with the icons, I make them for me, not for anyone else. That's why 99% of my 185 icons that I have available were made by me, because no one knows better than me what I like. But like, every once in a blue moon I do this Harry Potter icontest that I watch, mainly when I get bored, and are you kidding me? I won't mention which one, but a recent winner had me scratching my head a lot, because wtf? And everyone loved it, apparently, but it doesn't even make sense. wtf. I don't get people. I just don't. And then my submissions that I really love get like no votes. :'( RIP happiness. Which is why I stay away from those in general most of the time. It's unnecessary. That's one reason I don't do icons so much lately, to be honest. I spend a lot of time telling myself that I don't care what other people think, but I do. Most people do. But just because the things I like don't mesh with what the majority of other people like doesn't mean the things I make are 'bad.' I don't need other people to validate the things I enjoy making in my free time; at least I shouldn't. Hence, staying away from 'contests.' Although, it's not really a contest if the same people win every time, hmmmm? I should also stay away from tumblr though...

But yeah. I mean, I'm hoping there are people who enjoy my graphics work because it's going to be a large part of my intended career path. I'm definitely still learning, though, so there's time. :) It's just... ugh. Yeah, I'll admit (again), it is a bit disappointing when I work so hard on something and then it's only me who likes it, lol. I mean, two days. Literally, all day for two days I have been attached to this computer, on Photoshop and chugging Diet Pepsi like it's nobody's business. It's a nice change from my usual slug ways, though, where I do literally nothing. And I did so some job applying yesterday, and finding out about job shadowing at the newspaper here in town. I'm gonna shadow both a regular reporter and also someone in the advertising department. It's always nice when your professor who really liked you is an editor for the paper. ;) But yeah, that's exciting. Yay real life! And my room-mate for next year finally messaged me on Facebook, so that's a thing. Life. It happens sometimes I guess.

Anyway, done now. Adios!

i'm weird, blah blah, i do stuff, graphics, random musings

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