Jul 15, 2011 18:52

Okay. I saw Harry Potter last night, along with millions of other people across the world last night. For just the midnight showings in the US alone, the movie made over 43 million dollars. Woah. It's a new record. :)

I have to say: I LOOOOOOVED the movie. So much. It was spectacular. There was a lot that was missing/added/changed, but I still loved it. A lot of the parts that work in the book wouldn't translate onto the big screen very well (or at all). In the books we get to hear (read) Harry's thoughts so we know what he's thinking, but obviously the movie can't do that, so things had to be tweaked. And I am 110% okay with that. It was... so fucking epic. A marvelous farewell to the movies. Daniel Radcliffe was just.. ugh. He was utterly fantastic. DO ME PLZ. This is the best movie so far for ALL the acting (along with Part 1). Everyone really brought their all for this movie, and it so paid off. I love it. :)

Also, JKR produced this movie, so everything had to be okayed with her. If she's happy, I'm happy. :)

Okay, there were a few things that got to me. One big one was Harry telling Ron and Hermione that he was going to Voldemort to get killed. Um, no. A big part of what makes that scene so powerful in the books is that he does it alone. And then when they bring his 'body' back, Harry has to hear Ron and Hermione be heartbroken by his 'death. ' And what, Ron gets no hug? FAIL. If your best friend is going to his death, don't you think you'd want one last hug?! Ugh.

I can't decide yet if I like the way they have Voldemort die, and the way they have him feel it as each horcrux is destroyed. In the book he can't feel it, but then he gets paranoid and goes to check on them, and finds out that most of them have been destroyed. In the movie, he feels them being destroyed and that's how he knows, and he gets weaker with each one. Yeah, don't know how I feel about that yet. And he doesn't get killed by his own AK? He just disintegrates... I love in the book how he essentially kills himself. It's a fitting end for him, considering how obsessed he is with immortality. So yeah, don't think I like that change.

But I DID like the way they changed the battle between Harry and Voldemort. I actually like how they have Voldemort beat the crap out of Harry for a bit. I was a bit PO'd at the lack of Harry's invisibility cloak except for in Gringotts, considering it's a fucking Hallow, but whatever. And I liked how Harry just kinda rolled out of Hagrid's arms when he reveals himself as alive. I cheered. :D All in all, the movie was pretty fucking epic. I loved it. The end left a little to be desired, though. I wanted the mass chaos and hugfest after Harry defeated Voldemort. They never showed Harry using the elder wand to fix his own wand, and instead of putting the wand back in Dumbledore's tomb, he snaps it in two and throws it over a cliff. No thanks.

Oh, and where was the "Why do you live?" - "Because I have something worth living for" bit? They hyped it up so much, and then it's just gone...? And the part with Snape from the 'my body is ready' gif that's everywhere, that was gone too. The fuck? Editing fail, sorry.

But yeah, Deathly Hallows Part 1 and 2 are definitely the best movies of the series, which is good. They stayed truest to the book, only changing things that were necessary or the things that Kloves et all had already fucked up earlier, like not showing the memories of Tom Riddle in HBP, so Harry didn't see about the cup that way. Instead he can ~sense~ them in the movie using his Spidey Potter Sense. Stfu Kloves. And Sirius' mirror is still randomly there even though it was NEVER explained in the movies, but what can you do? Meh.

I mean, as a die-hard Harry Potter fan who knows the books forwards and backwards and upside down, I will always be nit-picky about the movies. That's all there is to it. BUT, I went into this one already knowing that there would a lot of changes, and I enjoyed it a lot. The theater I saw it in was awesome, and had Part 1 playing on a giant screen in the lobby while we waited for all the theaters to open up. And a ton of people were dressed up. Two guys were randomly in banana costumes, but it was pretty awesome. I wore my Deathly Hallows tshirt that I got for Christmas, and I wrote on myself with marker and put tape on my glasses, like Harry's in the first movie. :D

Okay, I'm totally rambling, but get over it. I cannot make my thoughts coherent enough for this post.

+ The Great Hall scene, where Harry steps out from the rest of the students in his Hogwarts robes and is a huge BAMF. GOD. I love that scene so much I want to have its babies.
+The suits of armor and how they protect the school. I loved McGoogles line about always wanting to do that spell. :) But yeah, those suits of armor are bad ass.
+Filch. lol. "Students out of beeeeeeed!" That cracked me up.
+The battle between Harry and Voldemort/ Harry getting beat up.
+THE FOREST AGAIN. I cried during that part, ngl. When his parents and Sirius and Remus come back. OH GOD. WATERWORKS.
+The rest of 'The Forest Again.' IT WAS ALL THAT I WAS HOPING FOR.
+Also all that was hoping for was the 'Kings Cross' scene. It was epic and amazing and beautiful and nothing hurt. Harry... god. Amazing.
+Hagrid carrying 'dead' Harry. HE LOOKED DEAD. MY HEART WAS ALL A FLUTTER.
+Hermione and Ron vs. Nagini. I actually really liked that part. I was a little worried that they wouldn't have Neville kill the snake, but they did in the end, so yay!
+'The Prince's Tale' was beautiful, and Alan Rickman is a phenomenal actor. I tip my hat to him.
+Snape's death. It was so tragic and gory and ugh. Good acting, again. I actually had to look away at one point, when the snake kept attacking him. It was tragic.
+As I said before, all the acting. It was all just incredibly superb.
+Harry's reaction to finding out he has to die, while he's still in DD's office. FLAWLESS.
+The final shot of the trio standing there, holding hands. LOVED IT. I LOVE THEM ALL. I LOVE THEIR FRIENDSHIP.

-The escape on the dragon being Hermione's idea and not Harry's. Kloves, you do know that the other two aren't blithering idiots, y/y? They have ideas sometimes as well.
-Harry telling Ron and Hermione that he has to die.
-Harry saying 'he knew' he was Horcrux 'for a while.' Bitch no you did not. Go read the book Kloves, kthx.
-No hug for Harry from Ron. HDU?!
-The last part of Snape's memories, where he's cradling Lily's dead body while bb Harry just sits there and cries. Um, creeper much?
-The weird apparition battle thing between Harry and Voldemort. It was the only part of their battle I didn't like.
-Voldemort hugging Draco. The fuck?
-Voldemort not finding out that he was WRONG WRONG WRONG and that Harry is the true master of the elder wand. Every time I read that part in the book, I get all giddy and I'm like: BITCH PLEASE. HOW'S IT FEEL? U LOSE! I wanted that to be in the movie. :(
-Harry snapping the Elder wand and not fixing his old one. WHUT?
-Voldemort's death. Not as satisfying as in the book, where the bastard kills himself. PERFECT DEATH FOR HIM, WHY U CHANGE IT?
-The ending scenes. Y U NO ATTACK HARRY WITH HUGS? HE KILL VOLDEMORT. It's a BIG. DEAL. and everyone is really nonchalant about it. Nothx.

Things I am undecided on:
-/+ The epilogue. I really don't like in the book, and I always skip it. It's just so cheesy, I'm not a fan. Plus, Harry/Ginny is not my ship. ;) But, I think they did it okay for the movie. Harry in particular looked flawless and as old as he should have looked. The rest of them looked kind of weird, except for Hermione who looked exactly the same. The kids they had were great though. Albus Potter was flawless. I missed Ron's line though. :( "It's me. I'm extremely famous." lol. Sure Ron. I wish they had kept that. So yeah, it was okay. It would have been fine with me if they had left it out, but I dunno. I know a lot of people would have been pissed if they hadn't included it. And like I said, it was okay. I liked the part between Harry and Albus (which was like all they included, but whatever). Meh. I'm not in love with the epilogue, but I didn't hate it either.

And now, it's the end of an era. The movie has been released, and the story of Harry Potter has officially come to a close. I feel... kinda empty. Last night, right after, I was kinda in shock. I'm still not sure how I drove home. lol. But yeah, I'm sad that it's over, but still mostly empty. I'm sure I'll feel more later, once I've processed everything.

OKAY. THOSE ARE MY LONG RAMBLY THOUGHTS. AGREE Y/N? Tell me what you all thought of it, flist!

Oh, and I'm seeing it again tomorrow (alone), and again sometime in the coming week, and again next weekend. lol. I'm sure I'll have more thoughts about it after seeing it more. I'll have had to process it more fully, and catch more details that I may have missed. :)

daniel radcliffe, harry potter, harry potter and the deathly hallows, epic win

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