better late than never...

Nov 24, 2010 02:37




Hokay. Where to even start? I loved the movie, for one. Out of all the movies, this one is my favorite so far (Goblet of Fire being my next favorite). Everything about it just came together in a marvelous display of movie making. :) All the acting was spot-on, this one stayed true to the book more than any other movie so far (I'm looking at you, Order of the Phoenix...), and the cinematography blew my mind. It is one fucking gorgeous movie.

I was EXTREMELY impressed with Emma Watson in this movie. While she's always been good imo, she's never really been... well, *amazing* in the movies prior. There were a couple of scenes in Half Blood Prince that I cringed through, like when Hermione was crying over Ron and Lavender... yeah, not the best scene imo. It felt rather sloppy. But I feel like Emma Watson really came into her own in this movie. The scene at the beginning with Hermione's parents had my eyes watering in sympathy, and the scene where Ron leaves was excellent as well. The scene that really got me, however, was the scene in Malfoy Manor where she's being tortured. OMG. I was like "bitch plz, Emma Watson." Girl nailed it. Stars. In my eyes.

Rupert and Dan were AMAZING as well. God. I've always thought that DanRad makes an excellent Harry Potter, and I feel like his acting has been superior since the fourth movie. Rupert could've been amazing with Ron, I feel, if they had given him more to work with. This movie is an excellent example of this. For the first time in one of the movies Ron's not just the comic relief. He had a large role with some deep lines/scenes, and boy GOT IT. :D I was very pleased with ALL of the acting in this movie. Even "minor characters" like Draco Malfoy and Snape were AWESOME. Gotta give props to Alan Rickman. The man is superb. :D :D :D

One scene that I enjoyed that others seem split on is the Harry/Hermione dance scene. I thought it was super cute, and such a movie!Harry thing to do. If people haven't noticed, in the movies it's always Harry going after Hermione, trying to cheer her up. (See aforementioned HBP scene with Hermione crying.) There is a difference between movie!Harry and book!Harry, imo. Movie!Harry seems more emotional than book!Harry, at least more openly emotional. Going from the standpoint of just the movies, I think the scene fits. I loved it.

A few things that they left out that bugged me: The whole fight scene with the seven Potters bugged me. In the books it's Harry's use of the disarming charm that sets off the Death Eater's to knowing it's him. For me, it's a pretty important moment because it really drives home that aspect of Harry's character: he's so innately good that he won't "shot to kill" as it were, if he thinks there's a better alternative. And for all the similarities between Harry and Voldemort, that's the one thing that sets them apart so drastically. Sidenote: this aspect of Harry's character juxtaposed with his using the Cruciatous Curse (omg I can't spell) on Carrow makes it a favorite scene of mine. It really shows just how far he's been pushed that he can use that curse. And then his "I see what Bellatrix meant... you really have to mean it." HOT DAMN BOY. This isn't sweet little Harry Potter anymore... If they don't get this scene right in Part Two, I WILL CUT SOME KLOVE AND/OR YATES BITCHES. *Ahem...*

Along with that scene: Hedwig's death. For one, the fact that as I said above the whole fight scene didn't work for me. In the movie Hedwig sets off to the Burrow on her own, but then comes back to try to protect Harry, and that's how the DE's know it's him. Hedwig is shot down, and while Harry yells "NOO!" that's it. In the book, he effing cries. For everything he's been through, Harry doesn't cry often in the books, and one rare time he's broken down enough to actually let it out, it's cut from the movie? DO NOT WANT, Steve Kloves, do. not. want.

The whole Dumbledore thing isn't focused on enough for me in the movie. A good chunk of the book is Harry coming to terms with all the new information about Dumbledore and trying to figure out if he can still trust him, and also trying to decide if what he's doing is really the best thing. And it's not in movie at all? Steve Kloves, I have a bone to pick with you, sir....

Also: the mirror. Yanno, Sirius' mirror, that is never really explained in ANY MOVIE AT ALL?! Huge point of contention with me. The mirror itself is supposed to be a major plot-point starting in Order of the Phoenix... For people who haven't read the books (though I don't like them either), when Harry's sitting there looking at the mirror in the forest, and then the scene with it in Malfoy Manor, I bet they're all like "wtf?!" But even people who have read the books can't be expected to remember every little thing. The plot holes in the movie grate on my nerves. It's TWO. MOVIES. There IS enough time to have one little line explaining something like the mirror that SAVES THEIR LIVES. Urgh.

One other tiny little thing missing that I wanted, but it speaks to Kloves secret desire for Harry/Hermione: after the creepy Horcrux scene, in the book, Harry says that he loves Hermione like a sister, and he thought Ron knew that. Afterwards, the tension between them is gone, I feel, because Ron knows he doesn't have to feel jealous anymore. Harry doesn't say that in the movie, and I wish he had. That's how I've always viewed their (Harry and Hermione, that is) whole relationship: brother & sister. It's why I found the dance scene between them so adorable. Hermione was sad, and Harry was just trying to make her cheer up, if only for a minute. It was cute. :)

But other than those things (lol) I have to say I loved the movie as a whole. :D :D :D I LOVED Malfoy Manor, both scenes there. It was creepy and I liked it. Snape killed me in that first scene with him and the Muggle Studies teacher. My poor bb. I always knew he was good, btw. ;) And the other character that killed me was Draco. Tom Felton NAILED IT, BITCHES. The look in his eyes every time he was on-screen killed me. Now that he was playing with the big boys, he couldn't quite hack it. Again, my poor bb. The scene in the Ministry was PERFECT as well, except for not showing Harry taking Mad-Eye's, well, eye. His death was kinda glossed over, imo... :/ But on the whole I loved that scene. There was a "wtf?" moment for me, though, when Harry's polyjuice wears off and suddenly Harry Potter, Undesirable Number One is waltzing through the Ministry and no one seems to notice.. :/ But oh well. We can't have everything, right? ;)

Even though there were a few things missing that I would've liked to see, as I've said a few times now: I LOVED THIS MOVIE. I might try to go see it again tomorrow, and then I'm seeing it on Saturday with my mom and Tom.

But oh god. JULY!!?! WHYYYYYY?!!? Not fair, universe, not fair. I'll be QUIVERING with anticipation until then, yo. Siriusly.


Peas out. 

squee, harry potter, fangirling, ron invaded my personal bubble!, flail, minor fail, epic win

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