Apr 13, 2007 17:04
Need sleeeeeeep. Badlyyyyy
Almost ran into Dylan Moran last night on the way to dinner at Hard Rock, slight hee moment.
Saw Ross Noble, gee he can talk a lot but I enjoyed all 2.5 hours of it. Nearly made it to a 3 hour long gig. Sitting second row is daunting, good thing he asked questions to the first row =d Am happy because I got to see Jeff Green and Ed Byrne at the hifi. Also saw some other LJers for the first time more heeees i.e. Ruth, Em & Jess.
Been on a hot chocolate drinking sessions at Max Brenners, I blame Steph ;) but they're really nice. Well it'll do for now with no access to Milo ;p They're nummmmyyyyy though. Did some shopping today at the DFO on Spencer St, came back with shoes, a bag and a book for dad. Also bought sockies and glovey stuff at Central shops. Not too much wintery gear as it doesn't get freakingly cold in Perth. No more shopping though because I'm afraid of not being able to shove it all in my suitcase =d
I end with my usual whinge of needing or wanting sleep. I don't need it in the sense I'm still awake and functioning but I like to be lazy. I'll catch up on it at the airport waiting for my flight and on the actual flight home I suppose.
First Comfest is turning out goodly. Crying makes it goodly too ;D