May 28, 2010 06:03
- 08:41 SG JETs on the forum were paranoid. SCARY. www #
- 08:51 Cardigan over my camisole. Instant sauna! *wilts* #
- 10:17 OH. CHAM. I forgot to print out my email. CHAAAAAAAAM. #
- 12:08 We're let off at 4pm today. No way in hell am I ever going to be able to leave. :D Arrrrrrrrrrrgh. #
- 15:15 *WAILS* #
- 15:24 やべ。超腹減った。ww昼ごはんをミスしたのさいかなー Ish not good. Me bes hungreh nao. #
- 16:01 ... Gotta call Osaka. SHIIIIIT. #
- 16:06 電話終了。関西弁が危ないです。ww #
- 16:21 正座していて、足が寝ちゃった。ww #
- 16:28 O_o A JET's pay is actually pretty good. Not as good as 兄ちゃん's, but O_o it's better than what JTB's paying. O_o #
- 16:46 wwなんで反応がいつもそんなにおかしいのだろうかーwwwwwwww #
- 17:06 あかんや。もう限界。w #
- 17:47 I'm supposed to leave at 4. It's 5.46pm. WHY AM I STILL HERE. *cry* #
- 18:27 限界。又残業かーーー嫌だ!(泣) #
- 19:03 ドリアンを持ってる人がとなるにいるなう!Someone's carrying durians. XD #
- 19:14 残業でしたが、意外に楽しかった。JPチームの同僚と笑っていて、冗談していて、最後の2つ目の日が楽しく過ごせたと思いました。良かったね。 #
- 19:22 帰宅。ただいまー #
- 20:48 Dinner ended delightfully with home-made bobo charchar. I'm so gonna miss that when I get to Shizuoka. LOL! #
- 21:54 Nap turned out to be an hour-long thing. Lol. Can't. Move. Does this mean I've got to go back to work tomorrow? :( #
- 22:58 よし!今晩徹夜をすると、明日が休めます!頑張ろうぜー!If I pull an all-nighter tonight, I can take my day off tomorrow! #
- 23:21 Love that my customer puts a row of asterisks, and copies a previous email for me. ww #
- 23:32 My head hurts if I watch this episode of House 5x19. #
- 23:48 Fantastic! Company web down. GG LAH! #
- 00:24 めんどくせぇー! #
- 01:14 メイクの力。すげぇー #
- 01:18 We didn't have stock for this last time I effin' checked! D: #
- 01:35 It makes no sense that you're asking me to offer customer a DOWNgrade, instead of an UPgrade. O_o; The hell..? #
- 01:59 Wilson (to House): "What can be more normal than me screwing with you?" - House 5x21. (Nat: DIES LMAO-ing.) #
- 02:26 やめ..ま..す.. #
- 02:31 Realised most of my stiff are pending on other stuff. =_= brain not functioning to draw the links. Dammit. Sleep might help huh. #
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