As of April 22nd, I'd tendered my first resignation. :D
Heck of a lot of reasons, but work, people, and family being the main reasons.
I was originally supposed to quit in end-June, since I got into the JET programme, but things aren't going to plan, so I'd moved it a month forward.
I also knew my JP team colleague was going to go for a surgery and I had to back her up, but it got to a point where i couldn't hold it up anymore, so on April 22nd, I handed in my first resignation. The joy, relief, and a tinge of ohmygodwhathaveIdone?! was the highlight that day. It was a bit of a rash decision, bringing the plans forward like this, deciding one day i was going to quit, and handing in my resignation the next day. But at that point, I couldn't care less - staying another day was looking less and less appealing.
So then I started my countdown, and planned my own farewell party. Last Thursday, the big boss came to ask me to stay. Three whole weeks after I'd tendered, she came to ask me to stay. And that was because said team mate was going for n operation, and they couldn't find a replacement for me soon enough. (Note: I gave them an extra 10 days to the month's notice.)
What pissed me of was that said big boss had already told HR that my last day wasn't 31st, and that I would notify them of my last day again. And then she came to ask me for a minimum extension of 2 weeks, if not a month. Already I wasn't getting my pay raise (because I'd tendered before May - ok, fine), and now an extension of a month? With added accounts? Without confirming with me and goin straight to HR? Ok. Well done.
So I just said I'd think about it, and let her know asap. But with more accounts coming in, and having to work in the same place, face the same annoying problem..? Not only that, but I'd asked three times if I would get the raise, but was told no. So. No pay raise too. And no added incentive, like working from home, etc?
Why should I? Honestly I was considering doing the colleagues a favour and staying. But WTF. Now? Nope. The only thing I'm glad for is being able to explain the situation to the remaining team mate who has to bear the brunt of the load, and the team mate who just went for surgery. I'm glad that they're understanding enough to accept my decision to leave.
But now, I'm glad my timer is back to count-down status. I can't stand the place.