Uh, sorry, been tweeting alot these days. *cuts*
- 07:42 @ lysistarielle OK, now my turn to ask: Where are you going? XD #
- 07:44 @ MineAP 誕生日は日本の祝日の一つです。w11月3日。日本にいれば、誕生日は休めます。 #
- 07:58 @ MineAP 有給を消費するのはイヤだ。もう有給ない。www今度日本へ行くのは10日間の有給を消費しました。ww #
- 08:30 今日は仕事がないといいねー。後16時間です。頑張れー!ファイトー!おう! #
- 09:36 Oh win. Presentation the day I come back from Japan. wwww 日本から帰るとまたプレゼンがありました。よ~くできましたなー。(=_=) #
- 10:09 先日雪が降りましたけど、桜が見える?本当ですか?そうだったら、神様、ありがとう!東京にははちょうどいい時期ですね! www.japan-guide.com/e/e2011.html #
- 10:23 日本語が下手になりました。どうしようー! #
- 11:42 VERY, VERY long Out of Office email. :D #
- 13:39 @ sarahcoldheart Off to many places in Japan! Kyuushuu area, Osaka, Kyoto and Tokyo to name a few! :D CANNOT. WAIT. :D #
- 13:43 @ sarahcoldheart LOL. I'll try? Might not go into stationery shops, but ok. #
- 13:47 @ sarahcoldheart Hahaha, yeah. :D Just in case, pick out an image and link me it? #
- 13:50 @ sarahcoldheart Meaning the point where the staples come out from can be twisted to 90degrees to the stapler's body? #
- 13:50 Realised that I sounded VERY geeky in the previous comment. wwww #
- 14:04 Come on, it's just another 4 hours. I CAN MAKE IT! #
- 14:21 Addicted to the pillow spray thing my colleague brought to work. Such a lovely lovely scent! #
- 14:29 @ Favregas @kareaan Thinkest thou your boyfriend went crazy? www And wah lau, considering his past redezvous, you sure you want a bed? www #
- 15:06 @ Favregas @kareaan KAREN!!! HE BULLY ME!!!! wwww #
- 15:08 @ sarahcoldheart Think I roughly get what it's supposed to look like. ^^ #
- 16:08 あと2時間だけ。。。 #
- 16:59 後1時間だけ。。。ああああああああ。帰りたい! #
- 17:37 @ Favregas @kareaan Yeah, we realised... #
- 17:46 It's almost time for me to go, but I'm still not done with work. OH CRAP. #
- 17:52 OH FUCK. I really need to go on time, AND I HAVE TO DO AUDIT?! WHY AT THE END OF THE DAY! #
- 18:36 帰宅!準備始めます! #
- 19:22 @ beingevil ... WIN! XDDDD #
- 19:25 ああああ。荷物重い! #
- 21:05 行ってきます! #
- 21:59 Food at T1 sucks big time. T1空港の食べ物がまずい。(;_;) #
- 22:34 日本へ出発!行ってきます!では、次のツイットは日本からねー! #
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