There are times when I really feel like banging my head against the wall, when it comes to the iPhone, and I actually have to do the syncing for my dad.
Turns out that it affected my iPhone too! It was more if a user fault actually, and I synced his contacts to my phone by accident because I didn't check if I'd deleted his address book! So there came a torturous time when I actually spent over three hours trying to fix the problem! From 11 to 2.30 last night, I was up trying to get my contacts back on my phone. DID NOT WORK!
I should've followed my friend's advice and gone to bed, but enginneer in me refused to and I only gave up at 2.30. =.=
Why? Because nothing I tried managed to fix the problem! I'd deleted all of the old contacts in the address book (of course, I did a backup first lay!) and emptied it out and tried to copy the empty book over but for some strange reason, the old contacts were still there! No empty address book! So I made e ultimate move and reset my iPhone. (Yes, I'm heartless that way.)
So resetting the iPhone, got me a blank phone, but syncing any data over got me the trashed data back again! Delete all backup versions, redo address book, reset phone. Was absolutely no help at all - I still had my messed up address book!
I tried again this morning (was feeling sick, so skipped class), but I still got the same results! So I gave up and called the AppleCare helpline for help. The English support was normally answered by an Australian, but this time, I got this Japanese lady who could speak English very well! Anyway, we tried alot of popular solutions, but none of them worked. (Mainly because I'd already tried them. But Apple, being excellent support, managed to fix my problem!
Turns out that it was iSync that was causing the problem! It apparently stored my sync histories, and updated the iPhone with the old data! So! Problem solved, mainly because Apple support rocks big time.
And that's also why it'll be hard for Apple users to go back to using Windows. Windows has really lousy support. Which, if you think about it, should not be the case. Lousy system definitely needs better support to make up for it, right? *sigh* I love Mac. :D
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