hikarakuyou: Thank you very much for the package! It is dead useful, and OMG, LOVE. I took pictures of it, so you'll know it arrived in one piece! 8D
burnein: Your school is funky! Grass-sloped roofs, roflmao. Thank you for bringing the shirts! 8D THE TEDDY BEAR IS LOVE. 8D Which means,
pookiesbleubass, I have your shirt. Very emo funky! 8D
3. Talking about online packages and all, I think I might never use the vpost service again. >.> This is the first time I've used it, but it's horrible that the package got to their US office, but there's NO NEWS OF IT, WHATSOVER TO ME, WTF. I've put up an invoice, called up the Singapore office to ask wth happened to the package that got signed, but nobody matched the item to my invoice to vpost, and STILL NOTHING HAPPENED. And there's this operator whose attitude came across as really patronising, I feel offended. >.> RAWR. So, yes. I will be calling them up again tomorrow to ask, wth happened to the package. I am paranoid that the goods were sent to the wrong address, and some dick called Lester just signed for it because it was a VS package. ARGH.
4. Presentation tomorrow, and I'd just picked the flashiest outfit to wear. ROLFMAO. A silver-and-black striped shirt, with a black vest, and black trousers. ROFLMAO. Somewhere within me, I am wondering WHERE the hell is the host gene. >.> I think I'll just change it to something more sane, like a white shirt instead. >.> And leave the striped one for Halloween next Wednesday, because
pookiesbleubass and I decided we need to wear something funky on Halloween. XD